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Info Node: (ccmode)Indentation Commands

(ccmode)Indentation Commands

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Indentation Commands

   The following list of commands re-indent C constructs.  Note that
when you change your coding style, either interactively or through some
other means, your file does _not_ automatically get re-indented.  You
will need to execute one of the following commands to see the effects of
your changes.

   Also, variables like `c-hanging-*' and `c-cleanup-list' only affect
how on-the-fly code is formatted.  Changing the "hanginess" of a brace
and then re-indenting, will not move the brace to a different line.
For this, you're better off getting an external program like GNU
`indent', which will re-arrange brace location, among other things.

   Re-indenting large sections of code can take a long time.  When CC
Mode reindents a region of code, it is essentially equivalent to
hitting `TAB' on every line of the region.  Especially vulnerable is
code generator output(1).

   These commands are useful when indenting code:

`TAB' (`c-indent-command')
     Indents the current line.  The actual behavior is controlled by
     several variables, described below.  See `c-tab-always-indent',
     `c-insert-tab-function', and `indent-tabs-mode'.  With a numeric
     argument, this command rigidly indents the region, preserving the
     relative indentation among the lines.

`M-C-q' (`c-indent-exp')
     Indent an entire balanced brace or parenthesis expression.  Note
     that point must be on the opening brace or parenthesis of the
     expression you want to indent.

`C-c C-q' (`c-indent-defun')
     Indents the entire top-level function or class definition
     encompassing point.  It leaves point unchanged.  This function
     can't be used to re-indent a nested brace construct, such as a
     nested class or function, or a Java method.  The top-level
     construct being re-indented must be complete, i.e. it must have
     both a beginning brace and an ending brace.

`M-C-\' (`indent-region')
     Indents an arbitrary region of code.  This is a standard Emacs
     command, tailored for C code in a CC Mode buffer.  Note that of
     course, point and mark must delineate the region you want to

`M-C-h' (`c-mark-function')
     While not strictly an indentation command, this is useful for
     marking the current top-level function or class definition as the
     current region.  As with `c-indent-defun', this command operates on
     top-level constructs, and can't be used to mark say, a Java method.

   These variables are also useful when indenting code:

     This variable controls how `TAB' `c-indent-command' operates.
     When this variable is `t', `TAB' always just indents the current
     line.  When it is `nil', the line is indented only if point is at
     the left margin, or on or before the first non-whitespace
     character on the line, otherwise some whitespace is inserted.  If
     this variable is the symbol `other', then some whitespace is
     inserted only within strings and comments (literals), an inside
     preprocessor directives, but the line is always reindented.

     When "some whitespace" is inserted as described above, what
     actually happens is that the function stored in
     `c-insert-tab-function' is called.  Normally, this just inserts a
     real tab character, or the equivalent number of spaces, depending
     on `indent-tabs-mode'.  Some people, however, set
     `c-insert-tab-function' to `tab-to-tab-stop' so as to get hard tab
     stops when indenting.

     This is a standard Emacs variable that controls how line
     indentation is composed.  When this variable is non-`nil', then
     tabs can be used in a line's indentation, otherwise only spaces
     can be used.

     When indenting large regions of code, this variable controls how
     often a progress message is displayed.  Set this variable to `nil'
     to inhibit the progress messages, or set it to an integer which is
     the interval in seconds that progress messages are displayed.

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) In particular, I have had people complain about the speed with
which `lex(1)' output is re-indented.  Lex, yacc, and other code
generators usually output some pretty perversely formatted code.
Re-indenting such code will be slow.

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