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(ccmode)Indentation Functions

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Indentation Functions

   Often there are cases when a simple offset setting on a syntactic
symbol isn't enough to get the desired indentation.  Therefore, it's
also possible to use a "indentation function" (a.k.a. line-up function)
for a syntactic symbol.

   CC Mode comes with many predefined indentation functions for common
situations.  If none of these does what you want, you can write your
own, see Note: Custom Indentation Functions.  If you do, it's
probably a good idea to start working from one of these predefined
functions, they can be found in the file `cc-align.el'.

   For every function below there is a "works with" list that indicates
which syntactic symbols the function is intended to be used with.

     Line up the current argument line under the first argument.

     Works with: `arglist-cont-nonempty'.

     Line up a line just after the open paren of the surrounding paren
     or brace block.

     Works with: `defun-block-intro', `brace-list-intro',
     `statement-block-intro', `statement-case-intro', `arglist-intro'.

     Set e.g. your `arglist-close' syntactic symbol to this line-up
     function so that parentheses that close argument lists will line up
     under the parenthesis that opened the argument list.

     Works with: `defun-close', `class-close', `inline-close',
     `block-close', `brace-list-close', `arglist-close',
     `extern-lang-close', `namespace-close' (for most of these, a zero
     offset will normally produce the same result, though).

     Line up the closing paren under its corresponding open paren if the
     open paren is followed by code.  If the open paren ends its line,
     no indentation is added.  E.g:

          main (int,
                char **
               )                   // c-lineup-close-paren


          main (
              int, char **
          )                        // c-lineup-close-paren

     Works with: `defun-close', `class-close', `inline-close',
     `block-close', `brace-list-close', `arglist-close',
     `extern-lang-close', `namespace-close'.

     Line up C++ stream operators (i.e. `<<' and `>>').

     Works with: `stream-op'.

     Line up the classes in C++ multiple inheritance clauses and member
     initializers under each other.  E.g:

          Foo::Foo (int a, int b):
              Cyphr (a),
              Bar (b)              // c-lineup-multi-inher


          class Foo
              : public Cyphr,
                public Bar         // c-lineup-multi-inher


          Foo::Foo (int a, int b)
              : Cyphr (a)
              , Bar (b)            // c-lineup-multi-inher

     Works with: `inher-cont', `member-init-cont'.

     Line up Java implements and extends declarations.  If class names
     follows on the same line as the `implements'/`extends' keyword,
     they are lined up under each other.  Otherwise, they are indented
     by adding `c-basic-offset' to the column of the keyword.  E.g:

          class Foo
                  Bar              // c-lineup-java-inher
              <--> c-basic-offset


          class Foo
              extends Cyphr,
                      Bar          // c-lineup-java-inher

     Works with: `inher-cont'.

     Line up Java throws declarations.  If exception names follows on
     the same line as the throws keyword, they are lined up under each
     other.  Otherwise, they are indented by adding `c-basic-offset' to
     the column of the `throws' keyword.  The `throws' keyword itself
     is also indented by `c-basic-offset' from the function declaration
     start if it doesn't hang.  E.g:

          int foo()
              throws               // c-lineup-java-throws
                  Bar              // c-lineup-java-throws
          <--><--> c-basic-offset


          int foo() throws Cyphr,
                           Bar,    // c-lineup-java-throws
                           Vlod    // c-lineup-java-throws

     Works with: `func-decl-cont'.

     Indent a one line block `c-basic-offset' extra.  E.g:

          if (n > 0)
              {m+=n; n=0;}         // c-indent-one-line-block
          <--> c-basic-offset


          if (n > 0)
          {                        // c-indent-one-line-block
              m+=n; n=0;

     The block may be surrounded by any kind of parenthesis characters.
     `nil' is returned if the line doesn't start with a one line block,
     which makes the function usable in list expressions.

     Works with: Almost all syntactic symbols, but most useful on the
     `-open' symbols.

     Indent a multi line block `c-basic-offset' extra.  E.g:

          int *foo[] = {
              {17},                // c-indent-multi-line-block


          int *foo[] = {
                  {                // c-indent-multi-line-block
              <--> c-basic-offset

     The block may be surrounded by any kind of parenthesis characters.
     `nil' is returned if the line doesn't start with a multi line
     block, which makes the function usable in list expressions.

     Works with: Almost all syntactic symbols, but most useful on the
     `-open' symbols.

     Line up C block comment continuation lines.  Various heuristics
     are used to handle most of the common comment styles.  Some

          /*                 /**               /*
           * text             * text             text
           */                 */               */
          /* text            /*                /**
             text            ** text            ** text
          */                 */                 */
           * text
              Free form text comments:
           In comments with a long delimiter line at the
           start, the indentation is kept unchanged for lines
           that start with an empty comment line prefix.  The
           delimiter line is whatever matches the
           `comment-start-skip' regexp.

     The style variable `c-comment-prefix-regexp' is used to recognize
     the comment line prefix, e.g. the `*' that usually starts every
     line inside a comment.

     Works with: The `c' syntactic symbol.

     Line up a comment-only line according to the style variable
     `c-comment-only-line-offset'.  If the comment is lined up with a
     comment starter on the previous line, that alignment is preserved.

     `c-comment-only-line-offset' specifies the extra offset for the
     line.  It can contain an integer or a cons cell of the form

           (<non-anchored-offset> . <anchored-offset>)

     where NON-ANCHORED-OFFSET is the amount of offset given to
     non-column-zero anchored lines, and ANCHORED-OFFSET is the amount
     of offset to give column-zero anchored lines.  Just an integer as
     value is equivalent to `(<value> . -1000)'.

     Works with: `comment-intro'.

     Line up statements for coding standards which place the first
     statement in a block on the same line as the block opening
     brace(1).  E.g:

          int main()
          { puts (\"Hello world!\");
            return 0;              // c-lineup-runin-statements

     If there is no statement after the opening brace to align with,
     `nil' is returned.  This makes the function usable in list

     Works with: The `statement' syntactic symbol.

     Line up the current line after the equal sign on the first line in
     the statement.  If there isn't any, indent with `c-basic-offset'.
     If the current line contains an equal sign too, try to align it
     with the first one.

     Works with: `statement-cont'.

     Line up the arguments of a template argument list under each
     other, but only in the case where the first argument is on the
     same line as the opening `<'.

     To allow this function to be used in a list expression, `nil' is
     returned if there's no template argument on the first line.

     Works with: `template-args-cont'.

     For Objective-C code, line up selector args as `elisp-mode' does
     with function args: go to the position right after the message
     receiver, and if you are at the end of the line, indent the
     current line c-basic-offset columns from the opening bracket;
     otherwise you are looking at the first character of the first
     method call argument, so lineup the current line with it.

     Works with: `objc-method-call-cont'.

     For Objective-C code, line up the colons that separate args.  The
     colon on the current line is aligned with the one on the first

     Works with: `objc-method-args-cont'.

     Similar to `c-lineup-ObjC-method-args' but lines up the colon on
     the current line with the colon on the previous line.

     Works with: `objc-method-args-cont'.

     This can be used with the in-expression block symbols to indent the
     whole block to the column where the construct is started.  E.g.
     for Java anonymous classes, this lines up the class under the
     `new' keyword, and in Pike it lines up the lambda function body
     under the `lambda' keyword.  Returns `nil' if the block isn't part
     of such a construct.

     Works with: `inlambda', `inexpr-statement', `inexpr-class'.

     Line up lines inside a block in Whitesmith style.  It's done in a
     way that works both when the opening brace hangs and when it
     doesn't.  E.g:

              foo;                 // c-lineup-whitesmith-in-block


          something {
              foo;                 // c-lineup-whitesmith-in-block
          <--> c-basic-offset

     In the first case the indentation is kept unchanged, in the second
     `c-basic-offset' is added.

     Works with: `defun-close', `defun-block-intro', `block-close',
     `brace-list-close', `brace-list-intro', `statement-block-intro',
     `inclass', `inextern-lang', `innamespace'.

     This lineup function makes the line stay at whatever indentation it
     already has; think of it as an identity function for lineups.  It
     is used for `cpp-macro-cont' lines.

     Works with: Any syntactic symbol.

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) Run-in style doesn't really work too well.  You might need to
write your own custom indentation functions to better support this

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