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Info Node: (dired-x)Local Variables

(dired-x)Local Variables

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Local Variables for Dired Directories

When Dired visits a directory, it looks for a file whose name is the
value of variable `dired-local-variables-file' (default: `.dired').  If
such a file is found, Dired will temporarily insert it into the Dired
buffer and run `hack-local-variables'.

For example, if the user puts

     Local Variables:
     dired-actual-switches: "-lat"
     dired-omit-files-p: t

into a file called `.dired' in a directory then when that directory is
viewed it will be

  1. sorted by date

  2. omitted automatically

You can set `dired-local-variables-file' to `nil' to suppress this.
The value of `dired-enable-local-variables' controls if and how these
local variables are read.  This variable exists so that if may override
the default value of `enable-local-variables'.

Please see the GNU Emacs Manual to learn more about local variables.
Note: Local Variables in Files.

The following variables affect Dired Local Variables

     Default: `".dired"'

     If non-`nil', file name for local variables for Dired.  If Dired
     finds a file with that name in the current directory, it will
     temporarily insert it into the Dired buffer and run

     Default: `t'

     Controls the use of local-variables lists in Dired.  The value can
     be `t', `nil', or something else.  A value of `t' means
     local-variables lists are obeyed in the
     `dired-local-variables-file'; `nil' means they are ignored;
     anything else means query.  This variable temporarily overrides
     the value of `enable-local-variables' when the Dired Local
     Variables are hacked.

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