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Info Node: (ediff)Customization


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   Ediff has a rather self-explanatory interface, and in most cases you
won't need to change anything.  However, should the need arise, there
are extensive facilities for changing the default behavior.

   Most of the customization can be done by setting various variables
in the `.emacs' file.  Some customization (mostly window-related
customization and faces) can be done by putting appropriate lines in
`.Xdefaults', `.xrdb', or whatever X resource file is in use.

   With respect to the latter, please note that the X resource for
Ediff customization is `Ediff', _not_ `emacs'.  Note: Window and Frame
Configuration, Note: Highlighting Difference Regions, for further
details.  Please also refer to Emacs manual for the information on how
to set Emacs X resources.

Customization via the hooks.
Quick Help Customization
How to customize Ediff's quick help feature.
Window and Frame Configuration
Controlling the way Ediff displays things.
Selective Browsing
Advanced browsing through difference regions.
Highlighting Difference Regions
Controlling highlighting.
Comparing regions, windows, etc.
Refinement of Difference Regions
How to control the refinement process.
Patch and Diff Programs
Changing the utilities that compute differences
and apply patches.
Merging and diff3
How to customize Ediff in its Merge Mode.
Support for Version Control
Changing the version control package.
You are not likely to do that.
Customizing the Mode Line
Changing the look of the mode line in Ediff.
Other customization.
Notes on Heavy-duty Customization
Customization for the gurus.

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