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Info Node: (efaq)Bugs and problems

(efaq)Bugs and problems

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Bugs and problems

   The Emacs manual lists some common kinds of trouble users could get
into, see Note: Dealing with Emacs Trouble, so you
might look there if the problem you encounter isn't described in this
chapter.  If you decide you've discovered a bug, see Note: Reporting
Bugs, for instructions how to do that.

   The file `etc/PROBLEMS' in the Emacs distribution lists various
known problems with building and using Emacs on specific platforms;
type `C-h P' to read it.

Problems with very large files
^M in the shell buffer
Shell process exits abnormally
Problems with Shell Mode on MS-Windows
Termcap/Terminfo entries for Emacs
Spontaneous entry into isearch-mode
Problems talking to certain hosts
Errors with init files
Emacs ignores X resources
Emacs ignores frame parameters
Emacs takes a long time to visit files
Editing files with $ in the name
Shell mode loses the current directory
Security risks with Emacs
Dired claims that no file is on this line

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