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Info Node: (efaq)New in Emacs 21

(efaq)New in Emacs 21

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What is different about Emacs 21?

   Emacs 21 features a thorough rewrite of the display engine.  The new
display engine supports variable-size fonts, images, and can play sounds
on platforms which support that.  As a result, the visual appearence of
Emacs, when it runs on a windowed display, is much more reminiscent of
modern GUI programs, and includes 3D widgets (used for the mode line and
the scroll bars), a configurable and extensible toolbar, tooltips
(a.k.a. balloon help), and other niceties.

   In addition, Emacs 21 supports faces on text-only terminals.  This
means that you can now have colors when you run Emacs on a GNU/Linux
console and on `xterm' with `emacs -nw'.

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