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(efaq)Obtaining the FAQ

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Where can I get the latest version of this FAQ?

   The Emacs FAQ is available in several ways:

   * Inside of Emacs itself.  You can get it from selecting the `Emacs
     FAQ' option from the `Help' menu of the Emacs menu bar at the top
     of any Emacs frame, or by typing `C-h F' (`M-x view-emacs-FAQ').

   * Via USENET.  If you can read news, the FAQ should be available in
     your news spool, in both the `' and
     `news:comp.emacs' newsgroups.  Every news reader should allow you
     to read any news article that is still in the news spool, even if
     you have read the article before.  You may need to read the
     instructions for your news reader to discover how to do this.  In
     `rn', this command will do this for you at the article selection

          ?GNU Emacs Frequently Asked Questions?rc:m

     In Gnus, you should type `C-u C-x C-s' from the `*Summary*' buffer
     or `C-u <SPC>' from the `*Newsgroup*' buffer to view all articles
     in a newsgroup.

     If the FAQ articles have expired and have been deleted from your
     news spool, it might (or might not) do some good to complain to
     your news administrator, because the most recent FAQ should not
     expire for a while.

   * Via HTTP or FTP.  You can always fetch the latest FAQ from

     `' and


   * In the Emacs distribution.  Since Emacs 18.56, the FAQ at the time
     of release has been part of the Emacs distribution as either
     `etc/FAQ' or `man/faq.texi' (Note: File-name conventions).

   * Via the World Wide Web.  A hypertext version is available at


   * Via anonymous ftp and e-mail from `' (and its mirror in
     Europe), the main repository for FAQs and other items posted to
     news.answers.  The Emacs FAQs are available at

     `' and


     If you do not have access to anonymous FTP, you can access the
     archives using the `' mail server.  The Emacs FAQ can
     be retrieved by sending mail to <> with a
     blank subject and containing

          send usenet/news.answers/GNU-Emacs-FAQ/diffs
          send usenet/news.answers/GNU-Emacs-FAQ/part1
          send usenet/news.answers/GNU-Emacs-FAQ/part2
          send usenet/news.answers/GNU-Emacs-FAQ/part3
          send usenet/news.answers/GNU-Emacs-FAQ/part4
          send usenet/news.answers/GNU-Emacs-FAQ/part5

     For more information, send email to <>
     with "help" and "index" in the body on separate lines.

   * As the very last resort, you can e-mail a request to
     <>.  Don't do this unless you have made a
     good-faith effort to obtain the FAQ list via one of the methods
     listed above.

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