GNU Info

Info Node: (emacs)Action Arguments

(emacs)Action Arguments

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Action Arguments

   Here is a table of the action arguments and options:

     Visit FILE using `find-file'.  Note: Visiting.

     Visit FILE using `find-file', then go to line number LINENUM in it.

     Visit FILE using `find-file', then go to line number LINENUM and
     put point at column number COLUMNNUM.

`-l FILE'
     Load a Lisp library named FILE with the function `load'.  Note:
     Lisp Libraries.  The library can be found either in the current
     directory, or in the Emacs library search path as specified with
     `EMACSLOADPATH' (Note: General Variables).

     Call Lisp function FUNCTION with no arguments.

     Evaluate Lisp expression EXPRESSION.

     Insert the contents of FILE into the current buffer.  This is like
     what `M-x insert-file' does.  Note: Misc File Ops.

     Exit from Emacs without asking for confirmation.

   The init file can access the values of the action arguments as the
elements of a list in the variable `command-line-args'.  The init file
can override the normal processing of the action arguments, or define
new ones, by reading and setting this variable.

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