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Info Node: (emacs)Backup Copying

(emacs)Backup Copying

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Copying vs. Renaming

   Backup files can be made by copying the old file or by renaming it.
This makes a difference when the old file has multiple names (hard
links).  If the old file is renamed into the backup file, then the
alternate names become names for the backup file.  If the old file is
copied instead, then the alternate names remain names for the file that
you are editing, and the contents accessed by those names will be the
new contents.

   The method of making a backup file may also affect the file's owner
and group.  If copying is used, these do not change.  If renaming is
used, you become the file's owner, and the file's group becomes the
default (different operating systems have different defaults for the

   Having the owner change is usually a good idea, because then the
owner always shows who last edited the file.  Also, the owners of the
backups show who produced those versions.  Occasionally there is a file
whose owner should not change; it is a good idea for such files to
contain local variable lists to set `backup-by-copying-when-mismatch'
locally (Note: File Variables).

   The choice of renaming or copying is controlled by four variables.
Renaming is the default choice.  If the variable `backup-by-copying' is
non-`nil', copying is used.  Otherwise, if the variable
`backup-by-copying-when-linked' is non-`nil', then copying is used for
files that have multiple names, but renaming may still be used when the
file being edited has only one name.  If the variable
`backup-by-copying-when-mismatch' is non-`nil', then copying is used if
renaming would cause the file's owner or group to change.
`backup-by-copying-when-mismatch' is `t' by default if you start Emacs
as the superuser.  The fourth variable,
`backup-by-copying-when-privileged-mismatch', gives the highest numeric
user-id for which `backup-by-copying-when-mismatch' will be forced on.
This is useful when low-numbered user-ids are assigned to special
system users, such as `root', `bin', `daemon', etc., which must
maintain ownership of files.

   When a file is managed with a version control system (Note: Version
Control), Emacs does not normally make backups in the usual way for
that file.  But check-in and check-out are similar in some ways to
making backups.  One unfortunate similarity is that these operations
typically break hard links, disconnecting the file name you visited from
any alternate names for the same file.  This has nothing to do with
Emacs--the version control system does it.

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