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Info Node: (emacs)C Indent

(emacs)C Indent

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Commands for C Indentation

   Here are special features for indentation in C mode and related

`C-c C-q'
     Reindent the current top-level function definition or aggregate
     type declaration (`c-indent-defun').

     Reindent each line in the balanced expression that follows point
     (`c-indent-exp').  A prefix argument inhibits error checking and
     warning messages about invalid syntax.

     Reindent the current line, and/or in some cases insert a tab
     character (`c-indent-command').

     If `c-tab-always-indent' is `t', this command always reindents the
     current line and does nothing else.  This is the default.

     If that variable is `nil', this command reindents the current line
     only if point is at the left margin or in the line's indentation;
     otherwise, it inserts a tab (or the equivalent number of spaces,
     if `indent-tabs-mode' is `nil').

     Any other value (not `nil' or `t') means always reindent the line,
     and also insert a tab if within a comment, a string, or a
     preprocessor directive.

   To reindent the whole current buffer, type `C-x h C-M-\'.  This
first selects the whole buffer as the region, then reindents that

   To reindent the current block, use `C-M-u C-M-q'.  This moves to the
front of the block and then reindents it all.

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