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Info Node: (emacs)Customizing VC

(emacs)Customizing VC

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Customizing VC

   The variable `vc-handled-backends' determines which version control
systems VC should handle.  The default value is `(RCS CVS SCCS)', so it
contains all three version systems that are currently supported.  If
you want VC to ignore one or more of these systems, exclude its name
from the list.

   The order of systems in the list is significant: when you visit a
file registered in more than one system (Note: Local Version Control),
VC uses the system that comes first in `vc-handled-backends' by
default.  The order is also significant when you register a file for
the first time, Note: Registering for details.

General VC Options
Options that apply to multiple back ends.
Options for RCS and SCCS.
CVS Options
Options for CVS.

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