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Info Node: (emacs)Dabbrev Customization

(emacs)Dabbrev Customization

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Customizing Dynamic Abbreviation

   Normally, dynamic abbrev expansion ignores case when searching for
expansions.  That is, the expansion need not agree in case with the word
you are expanding.

   This feature is controlled by the variable
`dabbrev-case-fold-search'.  If it is `t', case is ignored in this
search; if it is `nil', the word and the expansion must match in case.
If the value of `dabbrev-case-fold-search' is `case-fold-search', which
is true by default, then the variable `case-fold-search' controls
whether to ignore case while searching for expansions.

   Normally, dynamic abbrev expansion preserves the case pattern _of
the abbrev you have typed_, by converting the expansion to that case

   The variable `dabbrev-case-replace' controls whether to preserve the
case pattern of the abbrev.  If it is `t', the abbrev's case pattern is
preserved in most cases; if it is `nil', the expansion is always copied
verbatim.  If the value of `dabbrev-case-replace' is `case-replace',
which is true by default, then the variable `case-replace' controls
whether to copy the expansion verbatim.

   However, if the expansion contains a complex mixed case pattern, and
the abbrev matches this pattern as far as it goes, then the expansion is
always copied verbatim, regardless of those variables.  Thus, for
example, if the buffer contains `variableWithSillyCasePattern', and you
type `v a M-/', it copies the expansion verbatim including its case

   The variable `dabbrev-abbrev-char-regexp', if non-`nil', controls
which characters are considered part of a word, for dynamic expansion
purposes.  The regular expression must match just one character, never
two or more.  The same regular expression also determines which
characters are part of an expansion.  The value `nil' has a special
meaning: abbreviations are made of word characters, but expansions are
made of word and symbol characters.

   In shell scripts and makefiles, a variable name is sometimes prefixed
with `$' and sometimes not.  Major modes for this kind of text can
customize dynamic abbreviation to handle optional prefixes by setting
the variable `dabbrev-abbrev-skip-leading-regexp'.  Its value should be
a regular expression that matches the optional prefix that dynamic
abbreviation should ignore.

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