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(emacs)Electric C

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Electric C Characters

   In C mode and related modes, certain printing characters are
"electric"--in addition to inserting themselves, they also reindent the
current line and may insert newlines.  This feature is controlled by
the variable `c-auto-newline'.  The "electric" characters are `{', `}',
`:', `#', `;', `,', `<', `>', `/', `*', `(', and `)'.

   Electric characters insert newlines only when the "auto-newline"
feature is enabled (indicated by `/a' in the mode line after the mode
name).  This feature is controlled by the variable `c-auto-newline'.
You can turn this feature on or off with the command `C-c C-a':

`C-c C-a'
     Toggle the auto-newline feature (`c-toggle-auto-state').  With a
     prefix argument, this command turns the auto-newline feature on if
     the argument is positive, and off if it is negative.

   The colon character is electric because that is appropriate for a
single colon.  But when you want to insert a double colon in C++, the
electric behavior of colon is inconvenient.  You can insert a double
colon with no reindentation or newlines by typing `C-c :':

`C-c :'
     Insert a double colon scope operator at point, without reindenting
     the line or adding any newlines (`c-scope-operator').

   The electric `#' key reindents the line if it appears to be the
beginning of a preprocessor directive.  This happens when the value of
`c-electric-pound-behavior' is `(alignleft)'.  You can turn this
feature off by setting `c-electric-pound-behavior' to `nil'.

   The variable `c-hanging-braces-alist' controls the insertion of
newlines before and after inserted braces.  It is an association list
with elements of the following form: `(SYNTACTIC-SYMBOL . NL-LIST)'.
Most of the syntactic symbols that appear in `c-offsets-alist' are
meaningful here as well.

   The list NL-LIST may contain either of the symbols `before' or
`after', or both; or it may be `nil'.  When a brace is inserted, the
syntactic context it defines is looked up in `c-hanging-braces-alist';
if it is found, the NL-LIST is used to determine where newlines are
inserted: either before the brace, after, or both.  If not found, the
default is to insert a newline both before and after braces.

   The variable `c-hanging-colons-alist' controls the insertion of
newlines before and after inserted colons.  It is an association list
with elements of the following form: `(SYNTACTIC-SYMBOL . NL-LIST)'.
The list NL-LIST may contain either of the symbols `before' or `after',
or both; or it may be `nil'.

   When a colon is inserted, the syntactic symbol it defines is looked
up in this list, and if found, the NL-LIST is used to determine where
newlines are inserted: either before the brace, after, or both.  If the
syntactic symbol is not found in this list, no newlines are inserted.

   Electric characters can also delete newlines automatically when the
auto-newline feature is enabled.  This feature makes auto-newline more
acceptable, by deleting the newlines in the most common cases where you
do not want them.  Emacs can recognize several cases in which deleting a
newline might be desirable; by setting the variable `c-cleanup-list',
you can specify _which_ of these cases that should happen.  The
variable's value is a list of symbols, each describing one case for
possible deletion of a newline.  Here are the meaningful symbols, and
their meanings:

     Clean up `} catch (CONDITION) {' constructs by placing the entire
     construct on a single line.  The clean-up occurs when you type the
     `{', if there is nothing between the braces aside from `catch' and

     Clean up `} else {' constructs by placing the entire construct on
     a single line.  The clean-up occurs when you type the `{' after
     the `else', but only if there is nothing but white space between
     the braces and the `else'.

     Clean up `} else if (...) {' constructs by placing the entire
     construct on a single line.  The clean-up occurs when you type the
     `{', if there is nothing but white space between the `}' and `{'
     aside from the keywords and the `if'-condition.

     Clean up empty defun braces by placing the braces on the same
     line.  Clean-up occurs when you type the closing brace.

     Clean up the semicolon after a `struct' or similar type
     declaration, by placing the semicolon on the same line as the
     closing brace.  Clean-up occurs when you type the semicolon.

     Clean up commas following braces in array and aggregate
     initializers.  Clean-up occurs when you type the comma.

     Clean up double colons which may designate a C++ scope operator, by
     placing the colons together.  Clean-up occurs when you type the
     second colon, but only when the two colons are separated by
     nothing but whitespace.

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