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Info Node: (emacs)Hooks


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   "Hooks" are an important mechanism for customization of Emacs.  A
hook is a Lisp variable which holds a list of functions, to be called on
some well-defined occasion.  (This is called "running the hook".)  The
individual functions in the list are called the "hook functions" of the
hook.  With rare exceptions, hooks in Emacs are empty when Emacs starts
up, so the only hook functions in any given hook are the ones you
explicitly put there as customization.

   Most major modes run one or more "mode hooks" as the last step of
initialization.  This makes it easy for you to customize the behavior of
the mode, by setting up a hook function to override the local variable
assignments already made by the mode.  But hooks are also used in other
contexts.  For example, the hook `suspend-hook' runs just before Emacs
suspends itself (Note: Exiting).

   Most Emacs hooks are "normal hooks".  This means that running the
hook operates by calling all the hook functions, unconditionally, with
no arguments.  We have made an effort to keep most hooks normal so that
you can use them in a uniform way.  Every variable in Emacs whose name
ends in `-hook' is a normal hook.

   There are also a few "abnormal hooks".  These variables' names end
in `-hooks' or `-functions', instead of `-hook'.  What makes these
hooks abnormal is that there is something peculiar about the way its
functions are called--perhaps they are given arguments, or perhaps the
values they return are used in some way.  For example,
`find-file-not-found-hooks' (Note: Visiting) is abnormal because as
soon as one hook function returns a non-`nil' value, the rest are not
called at all.  The documentation of each abnormal hook variable
explains in detail what is peculiar about it.

   The recommended way to add a hook function to a hook (either normal
or abnormal) is by calling `add-hook'.  You can use any valid Lisp
function as the hook function, provided it can handle the proper number
of arguments (zero arguments, in the case of a normal hook).  Of course,
not every Lisp function is _useful_ in any particular hook.

   For example, here's how to set up a hook to turn on Auto Fill mode
when entering Text mode and other modes based on Text mode:

     (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)

   The next example shows how to use a hook to customize the indentation
of C code.  (People often have strong personal preferences for one
format compared to another.)  Here the hook function is an anonymous
lambda expression.

     (setq my-c-style
       '((c-comment-only-line-offset . 4)
         (c-cleanup-list . (scope-operator
         (c-offsets-alist . ((arglist-close . c-lineup-arglist)
     			(substatement-open . 0)))))
     (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook
       '(lambda ()
          (c-add-style "my-style" my-c-style t)))

   It is best to design your hook functions so that the order in which
they are executed does not matter.  Any dependence on the order is
"asking for trouble."  However, the order is predictable: the most
recently added hook functions are executed first.

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