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Info Node: (emacs)Iswitchb


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Switching Between Buffers using Substrings

   Iswitchb global minor mode provides convenient switching between
buffers using substrings of their names.  It replaces the normal
definitions of `C-x b', `C-x 4 b', `C-x 5 b', and `C-x 4 C-o' with
alternative commands that are somewhat "smarter."

   When one of these commands prompts you for a buffer name, you can
type in just a substring of the name you want to choose.  As you enter
the substring, Iswitchb mode continuously displays a list of buffers
that match the substring you have typed.

   At any time, you can type <RET> to select the first buffer in the
list.  So the way to select a particular buffer is to make it the first
in the list.  There are two ways to do this.  You can type more of the
buffer name and thus narrow down the list, excluding unwanted buffers
above the desired one.  Alternatively, you can use `C-s' and `C-r' to
rotate the list until the desired buffer is first.

   <TAB> while entering the buffer name performs completion on the
string you have entered, based on the displayed list of buffers.

   To enable Iswitchb mode, type `M-x iswitchb-mode', or customize the
variable `iswitchb-mode' to `t' (Note: Easy Customization).

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