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Info Node: (emacs)Other Window

(emacs)Other Window

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Using Other Windows

`C-x o'
     Select another window (`other-window').  That is `o', not zero.

     Scroll the next window (`scroll-other-window').

`M-x compare-windows'
     Find next place where the text in the selected window does not
     match the text in the next window.

     `Mouse-1', in a window's mode line, selects that window but does
     not move point in it (`mouse-select-window').

   To select a different window, click with `Mouse-1' on its mode line.
With the keyboard, you can switch windows by typing `C-x o'
(`other-window').  That is an `o', for "other," not a zero.  When there
are more than two windows, this command moves through all the windows
in a cyclic order, generally top to bottom and left to right.  After
the rightmost and bottommost window, it goes back to the one at the
upper left corner.  A numeric argument means to move several steps in
the cyclic order of windows.  A negative argument moves around the
cycle in the opposite order.  When the minibuffer is active, the
minibuffer is the last window in the cycle; you can switch from the
minibuffer window to one of the other windows, and later switch back and
finish supplying the minibuffer argument that is requested.  Note:
Minibuffer Edit.

   The usual scrolling commands (Note: Display) apply to the selected
window only, but there is one command to scroll the next window.
`C-M-v' (`scroll-other-window') scrolls the window that `C-x o' would
select.  It takes arguments, positive and negative, like `C-v'.  (In
the minibuffer, `C-M-v' scrolls the window that contains the minibuffer
help display, if any, rather than the next window in the standard
cyclic order.)

   The command `M-x compare-windows' lets you compare two files or
buffers visible in two windows, by moving through them to the next
mismatch.  Note: Comparing Files, for details.

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