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Info Node: (emacs)Paging in Term

(emacs)Paging in Term

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Page-At-A-Time Output

   Term mode has a page-at-a-time feature.  When enabled it makes
output pause at the end of each screenful.

`C-c C-q'
     Toggle the page-at-a-time feature.  This command works in both line
     and char modes.  When page-at-a-time is enabled, the mode-line
     displays the word `page'.

   With page-at-a-time enabled, whenever Term receives more than a
screenful of output since your last input, it pauses, displaying
`**MORE**' in the mode-line.  Type <SPC> to display the next screenful
of output.  Type `?' to see your other options.  The interface is
similar to the `more' program.

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