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Info Node: (emacs)Rmail Summary Edit

(emacs)Rmail Summary Edit

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Editing in Summaries

   You can use the Rmail summary buffer to do almost anything you can do
in the Rmail buffer itself.  In fact, once you have a summary buffer,
there's no need to switch back to the Rmail buffer.

   You can select and display various messages in the Rmail buffer, from
the summary buffer, just by moving point in the summary buffer to
different lines.  It doesn't matter what Emacs command you use to move
point; whichever line point is on at the end of the command, that
message is selected in the Rmail buffer.

   Almost all Rmail commands work in the summary buffer as well as in
the Rmail buffer.  Thus, `d' in the summary buffer deletes the current
message, `u' undeletes, and `x' expunges.  `o' and `C-o' output the
current message to a file; `r' starts a reply to it.  You can scroll
the current message while remaining in the summary buffer using <SPC>
and <DEL>.

   The Rmail commands to move between messages also work in the summary
buffer, but with a twist: they move through the set of messages included
in the summary.  They also ensure the Rmail buffer appears on the screen
(unlike cursor motion commands, which update the contents of the Rmail
buffer but don't display it in a window unless it already appears).
Here is a list of these commands:

     Move to next line, skipping lines saying `deleted', and select its

     Move to previous line, skipping lines saying `deleted', and select
     its message.

     Move to next line and select its message.

     Move to previous line and select its message.

     Move to the last line, and select its message.

     Move to the first line, and select its message.

     Search through messages for PATTERN starting with the current
     message; select the message found, and move point in the summary
     buffer to that message's line.

   Deletion, undeletion, and getting new mail, and even selection of a
different message all update the summary buffer when you do them in the
Rmail buffer.  If the variable `rmail-redisplay-summary' is non-`nil',
these actions also bring the summary buffer back onto the screen.

   When you are finished using the summary, type `Q'
(`rmail-summary-wipe') to delete the summary buffer's window.  You can
also exit Rmail while in the summary: `q' (`rmail-summary-quit')
deletes the summary window, then exits from Rmail by saving the Rmail
file and switching to another buffer.

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