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Info Node: (emacs)Setting Mark

(emacs)Setting Mark

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Setting the Mark

   Here are some commands for setting the mark:

     Set the mark where point is (`set-mark-command').

     The same.

`C-x C-x'
     Interchange mark and point (`exchange-point-and-mark').

     Set point and the mark around the text you drag across.

     Set the mark where point is, then move point to where you click

   For example, suppose you wish to convert part of the buffer to upper
case, using the `C-x C-u' (`upcase-region') command, which operates on
the text in the region.  You can first go to the beginning of the text
to be capitalized, type `C-<SPC>' to put the mark there, move to the
end, and then type `C-x C-u'.  Or, you can set the mark at the end of
the text, move to the beginning, and then type `C-x C-u'.

   The most common way to set the mark is with the `C-<SPC>' command
(`set-mark-command').  This sets the mark where point is.  Then you can
move point away, leaving the mark behind.

   There are two ways to set the mark with the mouse.  You can drag
mouse button one across a range of text; that puts point where you
release the mouse button, and sets the mark at the other end of that
range.  Or you can click mouse button three, which sets the mark at
point (like `C-<SPC>') and then moves point (like `Mouse-1').  Both of
these methods copy the region into the kill ring in addition to setting
the mark; that gives behavior consistent with other window-driven
applications, but if you don't want to modify the kill ring, you must
use keyboard commands to set the mark.  Note: Mouse Commands.

   Ordinary terminals have only one cursor, so there is no way for Emacs
to show you where the mark is located.  You have to remember.  The usual
solution to this problem is to set the mark and then use it soon, before
you forget where it is.  Alternatively, you can see where the mark is
with the command `C-x C-x' (`exchange-point-and-mark') which puts the
mark where point was and point where the mark was.  The extent of the
region is unchanged, but the cursor and point are now at the previous
position of the mark.  In Transient Mark mode, this command reactivates
the mark.

   `C-x C-x' is also useful when you are satisfied with the position of
point but want to move the other end of the region (where the mark is);
do `C-x C-x' to put point at that end of the region, and then move it.
Using `C-x C-x' a second time, if necessary, puts the mark at the new
position with point back at its original position.

   For more facilities that allow you to go to previously set marks, see
Note: Mark Ring.

   There is no such character as `C-<SPC>' in ASCII; when you type
<SPC> while holding down <CTRL>, what you get on most ordinary
terminals is the character `C-@'.  This key is actually bound to
`set-mark-command'.  But unless you are unlucky enough to have a
terminal where typing `C-<SPC>' does not produce `C-@', you might as
well think of this character as `C-<SPC>'.  Under X, `C-<SPC>' is
actually a distinct character, but its binding is still

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