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(emacs)Tag Syntax

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Source File Tag Syntax

   Here is how tag syntax is defined for the most popular languages:

   * In C code, any C function or typedef is a tag, and so are
     definitions of `struct', `union' and `enum'.  `#define' macro
     definitions and `enum' constants are also tags, unless you specify
     `--no-defines' when making the tags table.  Similarly, global
     variables are tags, unless you specify `--no-globals'.  Use of
     `--no-globals' and `--no-defines' can make the tags table file
     much smaller.

     You can tag function declarations and external variables in
     addition to function definitions by giving the `--declarations'
     option to `etags'.

   * In C++ code, in addition to all the tag constructs of C code,
     member functions are also recognized, and optionally member
     variables if you use the `--members' option.  Tags for variables
     and functions in classes are named `CLASS::VARIABLE' and
     `CLASS::FUNCTION'.  `operator' definitions have tag names like

   * In Java code, tags include all the constructs recognized in C++,
     plus the `interface', `extends' and `implements' constructs.  Tags
     for variables and functions in classes are named `CLASS.VARIABLE'
     and `CLASS.FUNCTION'.

   * In LaTeX text, the argument of any of the commands `\chapter',
     `\section', `\subsection', `\subsubsection', `\eqno', `\label',
     `\ref', `\cite', `\bibitem', `\part', `\appendix', `\entry', or
     `\index', is a tag.

     Other commands can make tags as well, if you specify them in the
     environment variable `TEXTAGS' before invoking `etags'.  The value
     of this environment variable should be a colon-separated list of
     command names.  For example,

          export TEXTAGS

     specifies (using Bourne shell syntax) that the commands `\def',
     `\newcommand' and `\newenvironment' also define tags.

   * In Lisp code, any function defined with `defun', any variable
     defined with `defvar' or `defconst', and in general the first
     argument of any expression that starts with `(def' in column zero,
     is a tag.

   * In Scheme code, tags include anything defined with `def' or with a
     construct whose name starts with `def'.  They also include
     variables set with `set!' at top level in the file.

   Several other languages are also supported:

   * In Ada code, functions, procedures, packages, tasks, and types are
     tags.  Use the `--packages-only' option to create tags for
     packages only.

     In Ada, the same name can be used for different kinds of entity
     (e.g., for a procedure and for a function).  Also, for things like
     packages, procedures and functions, there is the spec (i.e. the
     interface) and the body (i.e. the implementation).  To make it
     easier to pick the definition you want, Ada tag name have suffixes
     indicating the type of entity:

          package body.




          package spec.


     Thus, `M-x find-tag <RET> bidule/b <RET>' will go directly to the
     body of the package `bidule', while `M-x find-tag <RET> bidule
     <RET>' will just search for any tag `bidule'.

   * In assembler code, labels appearing at the beginning of a line,
     followed by a colon, are tags.

   * In Bison or Yacc input files, each rule defines as a tag the
     nonterminal it constructs.  The portions of the file that contain
     C code are parsed as C code.

   * In Cobol code, tags are paragraph names; that is, any word
     starting in column 8 and followed by a period.

   * In Erlang code, the tags are the functions, records, and macros
     defined in the file.

   * In Fortran code, functions, subroutines and block data are tags.

   * In makefiles, targets are tags.

   * In Objective C code, tags include Objective C definitions for
     classes, class categories, methods, and protocols.

   * In Pascal code, the tags are the functions and procedures defined
     in the file.

   * In Perl code, the tags are the procedures defined by the `sub',
     `my' and `local' keywords.  Use `--globals' if you want to tag
     global variables.

   * In PostScript code, the tags are the functions.

   * In Prolog code, a tag name appears at the left margin.

   * In Python code, `def' or `class' at the beginning of a line
     generate a tag.

   You can also generate tags based on regexp matching (Note: Etags
Regexps) to handle other formats and languages.

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