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Info Node: (forms)Forms Commands

(forms)Forms Commands

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Forms Commands

   The commands of Forms mode belong to the `C-c' prefix, with one
exception: <TAB>, which moves to the next field.  Forms mode uses
different key maps for normal mode and read-only mode.  In read-only
Forms mode, you can access most of the commands without the `C-c'
prefix, but you must type ordinary letters instead of control
characters; for example, type `n' instead of `C-c C-n'.

   If your Emacs has been built with X-toolkit support, Forms mode will
provide its own menu with a number of Forms mode commands.

`C-c C-n'
     Show the next record (`forms-next-record').  With a numeric
     argument N, show the Nth next record.

`C-c C-p'
     Show the previous record (`forms-prev-record').  With a numeric
     argument N, show the Nth previous record.

`C-c C-l'
     Jump to a record by number (`forms-jump-record').   Specify the
     record number with a numeric argument.

`C-c <'
     Jump to the first record (`forms-first-record').

`C-c >'
     Jump to the last record (`forms-last-record').  This command also
     recalculates the number of records in the data file.

`C-c <TAB>'
     Jump to the next field in the current record (`forms-next-field').
     With a numeric argument N, jump forward N fields.  If this command
     would move past the last field, it wraps around to the first field.

`C-c C-q'
     Toggles read-only mode (`forms-toggle-read-only').  In read-only
     Forms mode, you cannot edit the fields; most Forms mode commands
     can be accessed without the prefix `C-c' if you use the normal
     letter instead (for example, type `n' instead of `C-c C-n').  In
     edit mode, you can edit the fields and thus change the contents of
     the data base; you must begin Forms mode commands with `C-c'.
     Switching to edit mode is allowed only if you have write access to
     the data file.

`C-c C-o'
     Create a new record and insert it before the current record
     (`forms-insert-record').  It starts out with empty (or default)
     contents for its fields; you can then edit the fields.  With a
     numeric argument, the new record is created _after_ the current
     one.  See also `forms-modified-record-filter' in Note: Modifying
     Forms Contents.

`C-c C-k'
     Delete the current record (`forms-delete-record').  You are
     prompted for confirmation before the record is deleted unless a
     numeric argument has been provided.

`C-c C-s REGEXP <RET>'
     Search forward for REGEXP in all records following this one
     (`forms-search-forward').  If found, this record is shown.  If you
     give an empty argument, the previous regexp is used again.

`C-c C-r REGEXP <RET>'
     Search backward for REGEXP in all records following this one
     (`forms-search-backward').  If found, this record is shown.  If
     you give an empty argument, the previous regexp is used again.

`M-x forms-prev-field'
     Similar to `forms-next-field' but moves backwards.

`M-x forms-save-buffer'
`C-x C-s'
     Forms mode replacement for `save-buffer'. When executed in the
     forms buffer it will save the contents of the (modified) data
     buffer instead. In Forms mode this function will be bound to `C-x

`M-x forms-print'
     This command can be used to make a formatted print of the contents
     of the data file.

   In addition the command `M-x revert-buffer' is useful in Forms mode
just as in other modes.

   The following function key definitions are set up in Forms mode
(whether read-only or not):






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