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Info Node: (gnus)Exiting Gnus

(gnus)Exiting Gnus

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Exiting Gnus

   Yes, Gnus is ex(c)iting.

     Suspend Gnus (`gnus-group-suspend').  This doesn't really exit
     Gnus, but it kills all buffers except the Group buffer.  I'm not
     sure why this is a gain, but then who am I to judge?

     Quit Gnus (`gnus-group-exit').

     Quit Gnus without saving the `.newsrc' files (`gnus-group-quit').
     The dribble file will be saved, though (Note: Auto Save).

   `gnus-suspend-gnus-hook' is called when you suspend Gnus and
`gnus-exit-gnus-hook' is called when you quit Gnus, while
`gnus-after-exiting-gnus-hook' is called as the final item when exiting

   If you wish to completely unload Gnus and all its adherents, you can
use the `gnus-unload' command.  This command is also very handy when
trying to customize meta-variables.


     Miss Lisa Cannifax, while sitting in English class, felt her feet
     go numbly heavy and herself fall into a hazy trance as the boy
     sitting behind her drew repeated lines with his pencil across the
     back of her plastic chair.

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