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Info Node: (gnus)GroupLens Variables

(gnus)GroupLens Variables

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GroupLens Variables

     The summary line format used in GroupLens-enhanced summary
     buffers.  It accepts the same specs as the normal summary line
     format (Note: Summary Buffer Lines).  The default is
     `%U%R%z%l%I%(%[%4L: %-20,20n%]%) %s\n'.

     Host running the bbbd server.  `' is the

     Port of the host running the bbbd server.  The default is 9000.

     Offset the prediction by this value.  In other words, subtract the
     prediction value by this number to arrive at the effective score.
     The default is 0.

     This variable allows the user to magnify the effect of GroupLens
     scores.  The scale factor is applied after the offset.  The
     default is 1.

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