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Info Node: (gnus)Misc Article

(gnus)Misc Article

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Misc Article

     If non-`nil', use the same article buffer for all the groups.
     (This is the default.)  If `nil', each group will have its own
     article buffer.

     Hook used to decode MIME articles.  The default value is
     `(article-decode-charset article-decode-encoded-words)'

     This hook is called right after the article has been inserted into
     the article buffer.  It is mainly intended for functions that do
     something depending on the contents; it should probably not be
     used for changing the contents of the article buffer.

     Hook called in article mode buffers.

     Syntax table used in article buffers.  It is initialized from

     This variable is a format string along the same lines as
     `gnus-summary-mode-line-format' (Note: Mode Line Formatting).  It
     accepts the same format specifications as that variable, with two

          The "wash status" of the article.  This is a short string
          with one character for each possible article wash operation
          that may have been performed.

          The number of MIME parts in the article.

     Controls whether "page breaking" is to take place.  If this
     variable is non-`nil', the articles will be divided into pages
     whenever a page delimiter appears in the article.  If this
     variable is `nil', paging will not be done.

     This is the delimiter mentioned above.  By default, it is `^L'

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