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Info Node: (gnus)Mode Lines

(gnus)Mode Lines

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Mode Lines

   `gnus-updated-mode-lines' says what buffers should keep their mode
lines updated.  It is a list of symbols.  Supported symbols include
`group', `article', `summary', `server', `browse', and `tree'.  If the
corresponding symbol is present, Gnus will keep that mode line updated
with information that may be pertinent.  If this variable is `nil',
screen refresh may be quicker.

   By default, Gnus displays information on the current article in the
mode lines of the summary and article buffers.  The information Gnus
wishes to display (e.g. the subject of the article) is often longer
than the mode lines, and therefore have to be cut off at some point.
The `gnus-mode-non-string-length' variable says how long the other
elements on the line is (i.e., the non-info part).  If you put
additional elements on the mode line (e.g. a clock), you should modify
this variable:

     (add-hook 'display-time-hook
               (lambda () (setq gnus-mode-non-string-length
                                (+ 21
                                   (if line-number-mode 5 0)
                                   (if column-number-mode 4 0)
                                   (length display-time-string)))))

   If this variable is `nil' (which is the default), the mode line
strings won't be chopped off, and they won't be padded either.  Note
that the default is unlikely to be desirable, as even the percentage
complete in the buffer may be crowded off the mode line; the user should
configure this variable appropriately for her configuration.

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