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Info Node: (gnus)Read Articles

(gnus)Read Articles

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Read Articles

   All the following marks mark articles as read.

     These are articles that the user has marked as read with the `d'
     command manually, more or less (`gnus-del-mark').

     Articles that have actually been read (`gnus-read-mark').

     Articles that were marked as read in previous sessions and are now
     "old" (`gnus-ancient-mark').

     Marked as killed (`gnus-killed-mark').

     Marked as killed by kill files (`gnus-kill-file-mark').

     Marked as read by having too low a score (`gnus-low-score-mark').

     Marked as read by a catchup (`gnus-catchup-mark').

     Canceled article (`gnus-canceled-mark')

     SOUPed article (`gnus-souped-mark').  Note: SOUP.

     Sparsely reffed article (`gnus-sparse-mark').  Note: Customizing

     Article marked as read by duplicate suppression
     (`gnus-duplicated-mark').  Note: Duplicate Suppression.

   All these marks just mean that the article is marked as read, really.
They are interpreted differently when doing adaptive scoring, though.

   One more special mark, though:

     Marked as expirable (`gnus-expirable-mark').

     Marking articles as "expirable" (or have them marked as such
     automatically) doesn't make much sense in normal groups--a user
     doesn't control expiring of news articles, but in mail groups, for
     instance, articles marked as "expirable" can be deleted by Gnus at
     any time.

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