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Info Node: (gnus)Summary Buffer Mode Line

(gnus)Summary Buffer Mode Line

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Summary Buffer Mode Line

   You can also change the format of the summary mode bar (Note: Mode
Line Formatting).  Set `gnus-summary-mode-line-format' to whatever you
like.  The default is `Gnus: %%b [%A] %Z'.

   Here are the elements you can play with:

     Group name.

     Unprefixed group name.

     Current article number.

     Current article score.

     Gnus version.

     Number of unread articles in this group.

     Number of unread articles in this group that aren't displayed in
     the summary buffer.

     A string with the number of unread and unselected articles
     represented either as `<%U(+%e) more>' if there are both unread
     and unselected articles, and just as `<%U more>' if there are just
     unread articles and no unselected ones.

     Shortish group name.  For instance, `rec.arts.anime' will be
     shortened to `r.a.anime'.

     Subject of the current article.

     User-defined spec (Note: User-Defined Specs).

     Name of the current score file (Note: Scoring).

     Number of dormant articles (Note: Unread Articles).

     Number of ticked articles (Note: Unread Articles).

     Number of articles that have been marked as read in this session.

     Number of articles expunged by the score files.

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