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Info Node: (gnus)Summary Maneuvering

(gnus)Summary Maneuvering

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Summary Maneuvering

   All the straight movement commands understand the numeric prefix and
behave pretty much as you'd expect.

   None of these commands select articles.

`G M-n'
     Go to the next summary line of an unread article

`G M-p'
     Go to the previous summary line of an unread article

`G g'
     Ask for an article number and then go to the summary line of that
     article without displaying the article

   If Gnus asks you to press a key to confirm going to the next group,
you can use the `C-n' and `C-p' keys to move around the group buffer,
searching for the next group to read without actually returning to the
group buffer.

   Variables related to summary movement:

     If you issue one of the movement commands (like `n') and there are
     no more unread articles after the current one, Gnus will offer to
     go to the next group.  If this variable is `t' and the next group
     is empty, Gnus will exit summary mode and return to the group
     buffer.  If this variable is neither `t' nor `nil', Gnus will
     select the next group, no matter whether it has any unread
     articles or not.  As a special case, if this variable is
     `quietly', Gnus will select the next group without asking for
     confirmation.  If this variable is `almost-quietly', the same will
     happen only if you are located on the last article in the group.
     Finally, if this variable is `slightly-quietly', the `Z n' command
     will go to the next group without confirmation.  Also Note: Group

     If non-`nil', all the movement commands will try to go to the next
     article with the same subject as the current.  ("Same" here might
     mean "roughly equal".  See `gnus-summary-gather-subject-limit' for
     details (Note: Customizing Threading).)  If there are no more
     articles with the same subject, go to the first unread article.

     This variable is not particularly useful if you use a threaded

     If non-`nil', all the "unread" movement commands will not proceed
     to the next (or previous) article if the current article is unread.
     Instead, they will choose the current article.

     If non-`nil', Gnus will keep the point in the summary buffer
     centered at all times.  This makes things quite tidy, but if you
     have a slow network connection, or simply do not like this
     un-Emacsism, you can set this variable to `nil' to get the normal
     Emacs scrolling action.  This will also inhibit horizontal
     re-centering of the summary buffer, which might make it more
     inconvenient to read extremely long threads.

     This variable can also be a number.  In that case, center the
     window at the given number of lines from the top.

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