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Info Node: (gnus)Summary Score Commands

(gnus)Summary Score Commands

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Summary Score Commands

   The score commands that alter score entries do not actually modify
real score files.  That would be too inefficient.  Gnus maintains a
cache of previously loaded score files, one of which is considered the
"current score file alist".  The score commands simply insert entries
into this list, and upon group exit, this list is saved.

   The current score file is by default the group's local score file,
even if no such score file actually exists.  To insert score commands
into some other score file (e.g. `all.SCORE'), you must first make this
score file the current one.

   General score commands that don't actually change the score file:

`V s'
     Set the score of the current article (`gnus-summary-set-score').

`V S'
     Display the score of the current article

`V t'
     Display all score rules that have been used on the current article

`V R'
     Run the current summary through the scoring process
     (`gnus-summary-rescore').  This might be useful if you're playing
     around with your score files behind Gnus' back and want to see the
     effect you're having.

`V c'
     Make a different score file the current

`V e'
     Edit the current score file (`gnus-score-edit-current-scores').
     You will be popped into a `gnus-score-mode' buffer (Note: Score
     File Editing).

`V f'
     Edit a score file and make this score file the current one

`V F'
     Flush the score cache (`gnus-score-flush-cache').  This is useful
     after editing score files.

`V C'
     Customize a score file in a visually pleasing manner

   The rest of these commands modify the local score file.

`V m'
     Prompt for a score, and mark all articles with a score below this
     as read (`gnus-score-set-mark-below').

`V x'
     Prompt for a score, and add a score rule to the current score file
     to expunge all articles below this score

   The keystrokes for actually making score entries follow a very
regular pattern, so there's no need to list all the commands.
(Hundreds of them.)

  1. The first key is either `I' (upper case i) for increasing the score
     or `L' for lowering the score.

  2. The second key says what header you want to score on.  The
     following keys are available:
          Score on the author name.

          Score on the subject line.

          Score on the `Xref' line--i.e., the cross-posting line.

          Score on the `References' line.

          Score on the date.

          Score on the number of lines.

          Score on the `Message-ID' header.

          Score on followups--this matches the author name, and adds
          scores to the followups to this author.

          Score on the body.

          Score on the head.

          Score on thread.

  3. The third key is the match type.  Which match types are valid
     depends on what headers you are scoring on.


               Exact matching.

               Substring matching.

               Fuzzy matching (Note: Fuzzy Matching).

               Regexp matching


               Before date.

               After date.

               This date.


               Less than number.

               Equal to number.

               Greater than number.

  4. The fourth and final key says whether this is a temporary (i.e.,
     expiring) score entry, or a permanent (i.e., non-expiring) score
     entry, or whether it is to be done immediately, without adding to
     the score file.
          Temporary score entry.

          Permanent score entry.

          Immediately scoring.

   So, let's say you want to increase the score on the current author
with exact matching permanently: `I a e p'.  If you want to lower the
score based on the subject line, using substring matching, and make a
temporary score entry: `L s s t'.  Pretty easy.

   To make things a bit more complicated, there are shortcuts.  If you
use a capital letter on either the second or third keys, Gnus will use
defaults for the remaining one or two keystrokes.  The defaults are
"substring" and "temporary".  So `I A' is the same as `I a s t', and `I
a R' is the same as `I a r t'.

   These functions take both the numerical prefix and the symbolic
prefix (Note: Symbolic Prefixes).  A numerical prefix says how much
to lower (or increase) the score of the article.  A symbolic prefix of
`a' says to use the `all.SCORE' file for the command instead of the
current score file.

   The `gnus-score-mimic-keymap' says whether these commands will
pretend they are keymaps or not.

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