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Info Node: (idlwave)Code Templates

(idlwave)Code Templates

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Code Templates

   IDLWAVE can insert IDL code templates into the buffer.  For a few
templates, this is done with direct key bindings:

`C-c C-c'   `CASE' statement template
`C-c C-f'   `FOR' loop template
`C-c C-r'   `REPEAT' loop template
`C-c C-w'   `WHILE' loop template

   Otherwise, special abbreviations are used.  Emacs abbreviations are
expanded by typing text into the buffer and pressing <SPC> or <RET>.
The special abbreviations used to insert code templates all start with
a `\' (the backslash).  Here are a few examples of predefined
abbreviations.   For a full list, use `M-x idlwave-list-abbrevs'.

`\pr'       `PROCEDURE' template
`\fu'       `FUNCTION' template
`\c'        `CASE' statement template
`\f'        `FOR' loop template
`\r'        `REPEAT' loop template
`\w'        `WHILE' loop template
`\i'        `IF' statement template
`\elif'     `IF-ELSE' statement template
`\b'        `BEGIN'

   The templates are expanded in upper or lower case, depending upon the
variables `idlwave-abbrev-change-case' and

 - User Option: idlwave-abbrev-start-char (`"\"')
     A single character string used to start abbreviations in abbrev

 - User Option: idlwave-abbrev-move (`t')
     Non-`nil' means the abbrev hook can move point, e.g. to end up
     between the parenthesis of a function call.

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