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Info Node: (idlwave)Examining Variables

(idlwave)Examining Variables

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Examining Variables

   When execution is stopped you can examine the values of variables.
The command `C-c C-d C-p' prints the expression at point, while `C-c
C-d ?' shows help on this expression.  The expression at point is an
array expression or a function call, or the contents of a pair of
parenthesis.  The selected expression becomes highlighted in the source
code for a short time.  Calling the above commands with a prefix
argument will prompt for an expression instead of using the one at

   It is very convenient to click with the mouse on expressions to
retrieve their value.  Expression printing is also bound to `S-Mouse-2'
and expression help to `C-S-Mouse-2'.  I.e. you need to hold down
<SHIFT> and <CONTROL> while clicking with the mouse.

   Printing of expressions also works on higher levels of the calling
stack.  This means that you can examine the values of variables and
expressions inside the routine which called the current routine etc.
Use the commands `C-c C-d C-<UP>' (`idlwave-shell-stack-up') and `C-c
C-d C-<DOWN>' (`idlwave-shell-stack-down') or the corresponding toolbar
buttons to move through the calling stack.  The mode line of the shell
window will indicate the routine and the calling stack level which
define the context for printing expressions.  The following
restrictions apply for all levels except the current:

   * Array expressions must use the `[ ]' index delimiters.  Identifiers
     with a `( )' will be interpreted as function calls.

   * Printing values of expressions on higher levels of the calling
     stack uses the _unsupported_ IDL routine `ROUTINE_NAMES', which may
     or may not be available in future versions of IDL.

 - User Option: idlwave-shell-expression-face
     The face for `idlwave-shell-expression-overlay'.  Allows you to
     choose the font, color and other properties for the expression
     printed by IDL.

 - User Option: idlwave-shell-print-expression-function (`nil')
     A function to handle special display of evaluated expressions.

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