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Info Node: (idlwave)Routine Definitions

(idlwave)Routine Definitions

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Routine Definitions

   Routines which can be used in an IDL program can be defined in
several places:

  1. _Builtin routines_ are defined inside IDL itself.  The source code
     of such routines is not accessible to the user.

  2. Routines _part of the current program_ are defined in a file which
     is explicitly compiled by the user.  This file may or may not be
     located on the IDL search path.

  3. _Library routines_ are defined in special files which are located
     somewhere on IDL's search path.  When a library routine is called
     for the first time, IDL will find the source file and compile it

  4. External routines written in other languages (like Fortran or C)
     can be called with `CALL_EXTERNAL', linked into IDL via
     `LINKIMAGE', or included as dynamically loaded modules (DLMs).
     Currently IDLWAVE cannot provide routine info and completion for
     external routines.

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