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Info Node: (idlwave)Using the Shell

(idlwave)Using the Shell

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Using the Shell

   The IDLWAVE shell works in the same fashion as other shell modes in
Emacs.  It provides command history, command line editing and job
control.  The <UP> and <DOWN> arrows cycle through the input history
just like in an X terminal(1).  Here is a list of commonly used

<UP>      Cycle backwards in input history
<DOWN>    Cycle forwards in input history
`M-p'     Cycle backwards in input history _matching input_
`M-n'     Cycle forwards in input history _matching input_
`M-r'     Previous input matching a regexp
`M-s'     Next input that matches a regexp
`return'  Send input or copy line to current prompt
`C-c C-a' Beginning of line; skip prompt
`C-c C-u' Kill input to beginning of line
`C-c C-w' Kill word before cursor
`C-c C-c' Send ^C
`C-c C-z' Send ^Z
`C-c C-\' Send ^\
`C-c C-o' Delete last batch of process output
`C-c C-r' Show last batch of process output
`C-c C-l' List input history

   In addition to these standard `comint' commands,
`idlwave-shell-mode' provides many of the commands which simplify
writing IDL code, including abbreviations, online help, and completion.
See Note: Routine Info and Note: Online Help and Note: Completion
for more information on these commands.

`<TAB>'   Completion of file names, routine names and keywords
`M-<TAB>' Same as <TAB>
`C-c ?'   Routine Info display (`idlwave-routine-info')
`M-?'     IDL online help on routine
`C-c C-i' Update routine info from buffers and shell
`C-c C-v' Find the source file of a routine (`idlwave-find-module')
`C-c ='   Compile a library routine (`idlwave-resolve')

 - User Option: idlwave-shell-arrows-do-history (`t')
     Non-`nil' means <UP> and <DOWN> arrows move through command
     history like xterm.

 - User Option: idlwave-shell-file-name-chars
     The characters allowed in file names, as a string.  Used for file
     name completion.

 - User Option: idlwave-shell-graphics-window-size
     Size of IDL graphics windows popped up by special IDLWAVE command.

   IDLWAVE works in line input mode: You compose a full command line,
using all the power Emacs gives you to do this.  When you press <RET>,
the whole line is sent to IDL.  Sometimes it is necessary to send single
characters (without a newline), for example when an IDL program is
waiting for single character input with the `GET_KBRD' function.  You
can send a single character to IDL with the command `C-c C-x'
(`idlwave-shell-send-char').  When you press `C-c C-y'
(`idlwave-shell-char-mode-loop'), IDLWAVE runs a blocking loop which
accepts characters and immediately sends them to IDL.  The loop can be
exited with `C-g'.  It terminates also automatically when the current
IDL command is finished.  Check the documentation of the two variables
described below for a way to make IDL programs trigger automatic
switches of the input mode.

 - User Option: idlwave-shell-use-input-mode-magic (`nil')
     Non-nil means, IDLWAVE should check for input mode spells in

 - User Option: idlwave-shell-input-mode-spells
     The three regular expressions which match the magic spells for
     input modes.

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) This is different from normal Emacs/Comint behavior, but more
like an xterm.  If you prefer the default comint functionality, check
the variable `idlwave-shell-arrows-do-history'.

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