GNU Info

Info Node: (info)Help-P


Next: Help-^L Prev: Help Up: Getting Started
Enter node , (file) or (file)node

Returning to the Previous node

   This node is called `Help-P'.  The `Previous' node, as you see, is
`Help', which is the one you just came from using the `n' command.
Another `n' command now would take you to the next node, `Help-^L'.  In
Emacs, `n' runs the Emacs command `Info-next', and `p' runs `Info-prev'.

>> But do not type n yet.  First, try the p command,
   or click the mouse on the `Prev' link, which takes you to the
   `Previous' node.  When you get there, you can do an n
   again to return here.

   If you read this in Emacs, you will see an `Info' item in the menu
bar, close to its right edge.  Clicking your mouse on the `Info'
menu-bar item opens a menu of commands which include `Next' and `Prev'
(and also some others which you didn't yet learn about).

   This all probably seems insultingly simple so far, but _do not_ be
led into skimming.  Things will get more complicated soon.  Also, do
not try a new command until you are told it is time to.  Otherwise, you
may make Info skip past an important warning that was coming up.

>> Now do an n, or click the mouse on the `Next' link, to
   get to the node `Help-^L' and learn more.

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