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Info Node: (message)Insertion


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`C-c C-y'
     Yank the message that's being replied to into the message buffer

`C-c M-C-y'
     Prompt for a buffer name and yank the contents of that buffer into
     the message buffer (`message-yank-buffer').

`C-c C-q'
     Fill the yanked message (`message-fill-yanked-message').  Warning:
     Can severely mess up the yanked text if its quoting conventions are
     strange.  You'll quickly get a feel for when it's safe, though.
     Anyway, just remember that `C-x u' (`undo') is available and
     you'll be all right.

`C-c C-w'
     Insert a signature at the end of the buffer

`C-c M-h'
     Insert the message headers (`message-insert-headers').

     All headers that match this regexp will be removed from yanked
     messages.  The default is `.', which means that all headers will be

     Function called to insert the citation line.  The default is
     `message-insert-citation-line', which will lead to citation lines
     that look like:

          Hallvard B Furuseth <> writes:

     Point will be at the beginning of the body of the message when this
     function is called.

     When you are replying to or following up an article, you normally
     want to quote the person you are answering.  Inserting quoted text
     is done by "yanking", and each quoted line you yank will have
     `message-yank-prefix' prepended to it.  The default is `> '.

     Number of spaces to indent yanked messages.

     Function for citing an original message.  The default is
     `message-cite-original', which simply inserts the original message
     and prepends `> ' to each line.
     `message-cite-original-without-signature' does the same, but elides
     the signature.  You can also set it to `sc-cite-original' to use

     Function for modifying a citation just inserted in the mail buffer.
     This can also be a list of functions.  Each function can find the
     citation between `(point)' and `(mark t)'.  And each function
     should leave point and mark around the citation text as modified.

     String to be inserted at the end of the message buffer.  If `t'
     (which is the default), the `message-signature-file' file will be
     inserted instead.  If a function, the result from the function
     will be used instead.  If a form, the result from the form will be
     used instead.  If this variable is `nil', no signature will be
     inserted at all.

     If non-`nil' the name of a file containing the signature to be
     inserted at the end of the buffer.  This is ignored if the file
     doesn't exist.  The default is `~/.signature'.

   Note that RFC1036bis says that a signature should be preceded by the
three characters `-- ' on a line by themselves.  This is to make it
easier for the recipient to automatically recognize and process the
signature.  So don't remove those characters, even though you might feel
that they ruin your beautiful design, like, totally.

   Also note that no signature should be more than four lines long.
Including ASCII graphics is an efficient way to get everybody to believe
that you are silly and have nothing important to say.

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