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Contributors to PCL-CVS

   Contributions to the package are welcome.  I have limited time to
work on this project, but I will gladly add any code that you
contribute to me to this package (Note: Bugs).

   The following persons have made contributions to PCL-CVS.

   * Brian Berliner wrote CVS, together with some other contributors.
     Without his work on CVS this package would be useless...

   * Per Cederqvist wrote most of the otherwise unattributed functions
     in PCL-CVS as well as all the documentation.

   * Inge Wallin <> wrote the skeleton of
     `pcl-cvs.texi', and gave useful comments on it.  He also wrote the
     files `elib-node.el' and `compile-all.el'.  The file `cookie.el'
     was inspired by Inge.

   * Linus Tolke <> contributed useful comments on
     both the functionality and the documentation.

   * Jamie Zawinski <> contributed `pcl-cvs-lucid.el', which
     was later renamed to `pcl-cvs-xemacs.el'.

   * Leif Lonnblad contributed RCVS support (since superceded by the new
     remote CVS support).

   * Jim Blandy <> contributed hooks to automatically
     guess CVS log entries from `ChangeLog' contents, and initial
     support of the new Cygnus / Cyclic remote CVS, as well as various
     sundry bug fixes and cleanups.

   * Jim Kingdon <> contributed lots of fixes to the
     build and installation procedure.

   * Greg A. Woods <> contributed code to implement the
     use of per-file diff buffers, and vendor join diffs with emerge and
     ediff, as well as various and sundry bug fixes and cleanups.

   * Greg Klanderman <> implemented
     toggling of marked files, setting of CVS command flags via prefix
     arguments, updated the XEmacs support, updated the manual, and
     fixed numerous bugs.

   * Stefan Monnier <> added a slew of other
     features and introduced even more new bugs.  If there's any bug
     left, you can be sure it's his.

   * Masatake YAMATO <> made a gracious
     contribution of his cvstree code to display a tree of tags which
     was later superseded by the new `cvs-status-mode'.

   Apart from these, a lot of people have sent us suggestions, ideas,
requests, bug reports and encouragement.  Thanks a lot!  Without you
there would be no new releases of PCL-CVS.

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