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Info Node: (pcl-cvs)Customization


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   If you have an idea about any customization that would be handy but
isn't present in this list, please tell me!  For info on how to reach
me, see Note: Bugs.

     If this variable is set to any non-`nil' value,
     `cvs-mode-remove-handled' will be called every time you check in
     files, after the check-in is ready.  Note: Removing handled

     If this variable is set to any non-`nil' value, directories that do
     not contain any files to be checked in will not be listed in the
     `*cvs*' buffer.

     If this variable is set to any non-`nil' value any buffers you have
     that visit a file that is committed will be automatically reverted.
     This variable defaults to `t'. Note: Committing changes.

     The `-u' flag in the `modules' file can be used to run a command
     whenever a `cvs update' is performed (see `cvs(5)').  This regexp
     is used to search for the last line in that output.  It is
     normally set to `$'.  That setting is only correct if the command
     outputs nothing.  Note that PCL-CVS will get very confused if the
     command outputs _anything_ to `stderr'.

     This variable can be set to override `CVSROOT'.  It should be a
     string.  If it is set, then every time a `cvs' command is run, it
     will be called as `cvs -d CVS-CVSROOT...'.  This can be useful if
     your site has several repositories.

     When you enter a log message by typing into the
     `*cvs-commit-message*' buffer, PCL-CVS normally automatically
     inserts a trailing newline, unless there already is one.  This
     behavior can be controlled via
     `cvs-commit-buffer-require-final-newline'.  If it is `t' (the
     default behavior), a newline will always be appended.  If it is
     `nil', newlines will never be appended.  Any other value causes
     PCL-CVS to ask the user whenever there is no trailing newline in
     the commit message buffer.

     If this variable is non-`nil', include full `ChangeLog' paragraphs
     in the CVS log created by `cvs-mode-changelog-commit'.  This may
     be set in the local variables section of a `ChangeLog' file, to
     indicate the policy for that `ChangeLog'.

     A "`ChangeLog' paragraph" is a bunch of log text containing no
     blank lines; a paragraph usually describes a set of changes with a
     single purpose, but perhaps spanning several functions in several
     files.  Changes in different paragraphs are unrelated.

     You could argue that the CVS log entry for a file should contain
     the full `ChangeLog' paragraph mentioning the change to the file,
     even though it may mention other files, because that gives you the
     full context you need to understand the change.  This is the
     behavior you get when this variable is set to `t', the default.

     On the other hand, you could argue that the CVS log entry for a
     change should contain only the text for the changes which occurred
     in that file, because the CVS log is per-file.  This is the
     behavior you get when this variable is set to `nil'.

     If this variable is set to any non-`nil' value, the `.cvsignore'
     file will always be sorted whenever you use `cvs-mode-ignore' to
     add a file to it.  This option is on by default.

Customizing Faces

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