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Info Node: (reftex)Options (Defining Label Environments)

(reftex)Options (Defining Label Environments)

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Defining Label Environments

 - User Option: reftex-default-label-alist-entries
     Default label alist specifications.  It is a list of symbols with
     associations in the constant `reftex-label-alist-builtin'.
     `LaTeX' should always be the last entry.

 - User Option: reftex-label-alist
     Set this variable to define additions and changes to the defaults
     in `reftex-default-label-alist-entries'.  The only things you
     _must not_ change is that `?s' is the type indicator for section
     labels, and <SPC> for the `any' label type.  These are hard-coded
     at other places in the code.

     The value of the variable must be a list of items.  Each item is a
     list itself and has the following structure:


     Each list entry describes either an environment carrying a counter
     for use with `\label' and `\ref', or a LaTeX macro defining a
     label as (or inside) one of its arguments.  The elements of each
     list entry are:

          Name of the environment (like `table') or macro (like
          `\myfig').  For macros, indicate the arguments, as in
          `\myfig[]{}{}{*}{}'.  Use square brackets for optional
          arguments, a star to mark the label argument, if any.  The
          macro does not have to have a label argument - you could also
          use `\label{...}' inside one of its arguments.

          Special names: `section' for section labels, `any' to define a
          group which contains all labels.

          This may also be a function to do local parsing and identify
          point to be in a a non-standard label environment.  The
          function must take an argument BOUND and limit backward
          searches to this value.  It should return either nil or a
          cons cell `(FUNCTION . POSITION)' with the function symbol
          and the position where the special environment starts.  See
          the Info documentation for an example.

          Finally this may also be `nil' if the entry is only meant to
          change some settings associated with the type indicator
          character (see below).

          Type indicator character, like `?t', must be a printable ASCII
          character.  The type indicator is a single character which
          defines a label type.  Any label inside the environment or
          macro is assumed to belong to this type.  The same character
          may occur several times in this list, to cover cases in which
          different environments carry the same label type (like
          `equation' and `eqnarray').  If the type indicator is `nil'
          and the macro has a label argument `{*}', the macro defines
          neutral labels just like `\label'.  In this case the reminder
          of this entry is ignored.

          Label prefix string, like `tab:'.  The prefix is a short
          string used as the start of a label.  It may be the empty
          string.  The prefix may contain the following `%' escapes:

               %f Current file name, directory and extension stripped.
               %F Current file name relative to master file directory.
               %u User login name, on systems which support this.
               %S A section prefix derived with variable `reftex-section-prefixes'.

          Example: In a file `intro.tex', `eq:%f:' will become

          Format string for reference insert in buffer.  `%s' will be
          replaced by the label.  When the format starts with `~', this
          `~' will only be inserted when the character before point is
          _not_ a whitespace.

          Indication on how to find the short context.
             - If `nil', use the text following the `\label{...}' macro.

             - If `t', use
                  - the section heading for section labels.

                  - text following the `\begin{...}' statement of
                    environments (not a good choice for environments
                    like eqnarray or enumerate, where one has several
                    labels in a single environment).

                  - text after the macro name (starting with the first
                    arg) for macros.

             - If an integer, use the nth argument of the macro.  As a
               special case, 1000 means to get text after the last
               macro argument.

             - If a string, use as regexp to search _backward_ from the
               label.  Context is then the text following the end of
               the match.  E.g. putting this to `\\caption[[{]' will
               use the caption in a figure or table environment.
               `\\begin{eqnarray}\|\\\\' works for eqnarrays.

             - If any of `caption', `item', `eqnarray-like',
               `alignat-like', this symbol will internally be
               translated into an appropriate regexp (see also the
               variable `reftex-default-context-regexps').

             - If a function, call this function with the name of the
               environment/macro as argument.  On call, point will be
               just after the `\label' macro.  The function is expected
               to return a suitable context string.  It should throw an
               exception (error) when failing to find context.  As an
               example, here is a function returning the 10 chars
               following the label macro as context:

                    (defun my-context-function (env-or-mac)
                       (if (> (point-max) (+ 10 (point)))
                           (buffer-substring (point) (+ 10 (point)))
                         (error "Buffer too small")))

          Label context is used in two ways by RefTeX: For display in
          the label menu, and to derive a label string.  If you want to
          use a different method for each of these, specify them as a
          dotted pair.  E.g. `(nil . t)' uses the text after the label
          (`nil') for display, and text from the default position (`t')
          to derive a label string.  This is actually used for section

          List of magic words which identify a reference to be of this
          type.  If the word before point is equal to one of these
          words when calling `reftex-reference', the label list offered
          will be automatically restricted to labels of the correct
          type.  If the first element of this word-list is the symbol
          `regexp', the strings are interpreted as regular expressions.

          The integer level at which this environment should be added
          to the table of contents.  See also `reftex-section-levels'.
          A positive value will number the entries mixed with the
          sectioning commands of the same level.  A negative value will
          make unnumbered entries.  Useful only for theorem-like
          environments which structure the document.  Will be ignored
          for macros.  When omitted or `nil', no TOC entries will be

     If the type indicator characters of two or more entries are the
     same, RefTeX will use
        - the first non-`nil' format and prefix

        - the magic words of all involved entries.

     Any list entry may also be a symbol.  If that has an association in
     `reftex-label-alist-builtin', the `cddr' of that association is
     spliced into the list.  However, builtin defaults should normally
     be set with the variable `reftex-default-label-alist-entries'.

 - User Option: reftex-max-section-depth
     Maximum depth of section levels in document structure.  Standard
     LaTeX needs 7, default is 12.

 - User Option: reftex-section-levels
     Commands and levels used for defining sections in the document.
     The `car' of each cons cell is the name of the section macro.  The
     `cdr' is a number indicating its level.  A negative level means the
     same as the positive value, but the section will never get a
     number.  The `cdr' may also be a function which then has to return
     the level.

 - User Option: reftex-section-prefixes
     Prefixes for section labels.  When the label prefix given in an
     entry in `reftex-label-alist' contains `%S', this list is used to
     determine the correct prefix string depending on the current
     section level.  The list is an alist, with each entry of the form
     `(KEY . PREFIX)'. Possible keys are sectioning macro names like
     `chapter', integer section levels (as given in
     `reftex-section-levels'), and `t' for the default.

 - User Option: reftex-default-context-regexps
     Alist with default regular expressions for finding context.  The
     emacs lisp form `(format regexp (regexp-quote environment))' is
     used to calculate the final regular expression - so `%s' will be
     replaced with the environment or macro.

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