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Info Node: (reftex)Quick Equation

(reftex)Quick Equation

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Quick Equation Macro

   Suppose you would like to have a macro for quick equations.  It
could be defined like this:

     \newcommand{\quickeq}[1]{\begin{equation} #1 \end{equation}}

and used like this:

     Einstein's equation is \quickeq{E=mc^2 \label{eq:einstein}}.

   We need to tell RefTeX that any label defined in the argument of the
`\quickeq' is an equation label.  Here is how to do this with lisp:

     (setq reftex-label-alist '(("\\quickeq{}" ?e nil nil 1 nil)))

   The first element in this list is now the macro with empty braces as
an _image_ of the macro arguments.  `?e' indicates that this is an
equation label, the different `nil' elements indicate to use the
default values for equations.  The `1' as the fifth element indicates
that the context of the label definition should be the 1st argument of
the macro.

   Here is again how this would look in the customization buffer:

     Reftex Label Alist: [Hide]
     [INS] [DEL] Package or Detailed   : [Value Menu] Detailed:
                 Environment or \macro : [Value Menu] String: \quickeq{}
                 Type specification    : [Value Menu] Char  : e
                 Label prefix string   : [Value Menu] Default
                 Label reference format: [Value Menu] Default
                 Context method        : [Value Menu] Macro arg nr: 1
                 Magic words:
                 [ ] Make TOC entry    : [Value Menu] No entry

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