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(sc)Getting Connected

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Getting Connected

   Hitting `C-c C-y' in your MUA's reply buffer yanks and cites the
original message into the reply buffer.  In reality, the citation of the
original message is performed via a call through a configurable hook
variable.  The name of this variable has been agreed to in advance as
part of the "citation interface specification".  By default this hook
variable has a `nil' value, which the MUA recognizes to mean, "use your
default citation function."  When you add Supercite's citation function
to the hook, thereby giving the variable a non-`nil' value, it tells
the MUA to run the hook via `run-hooks' instead of using the default

Emacs 19 MUAs
Emacs 18 MUAs
MH-E with any Emacsen
VM with any Emacsen
GNEWS with any Emacsen
Overloading for Non-conforming MUAs
   Early in Supercite's development, the Supercite author, a few MUA
authors, and some early Supercite users got together and agreed upon a
standard interface between MUAs and citation packages (of which
Supercite is currently the only known add-on :-).  With the recent
release of the Free Software Foundation's GNU Emacs 19, the interface
has undergone some modification and it is possible that not all MUAs
support the new interface yet.  Some support only the old interface and
some do not support the interface at all.  Still, it is possible for all
known MUAs to use Supercite, and the following sections will outline the
procedures you need to follow.

   To learn exactly how to connect Supercite to the software systems you
are using, read the appropriate following sections.  For details on the
interface specifications, or if you are writing or maintaining an MUA,
Note: Hints to MUA Authors.
   The first thing that everyone should do, regardless of the MUA you
are using is to set up Emacs so it will load Supercite at the
appropriate time.  You can either dump Supercite into your Emacs binary
(ask your local Emacs guru how to do this if you don't know), or you
can set up an "autoload" for Supercite.  To do the latter, put the
following in your `.emacs' file:

     (autoload 'sc-cite-original     "supercite" "Supercite 3.1" t)
     (autoload 'sc-submit-bug-report "supercite" "Supercite 3.1" t)

   The function `sc-cite-original' is the top-level Supercite function
designed to be run from the citation hook.  It expects `point' and
`mark' to be set around the region to cite, and it expects the original
article's mail headers to be present within this region.  Note that
Supercite _never_ touches any text outside this region.  Note further
that for Emacs 19, the region need not be active for `sc-cite-original'
to do its job.  Note: Hints to MUA Authors.

   The other step in the getting connected process is to make sure your
MUA calls `sc-cite-original' at the right time.  As mentioned above,
some MUAs handle this differently.  Read the sections that follow
pertaining to the MUAs you are using.

   One final note.  After Supercite is loaded into your Emacs session,
it runs the hook `sc-load-hook'.  You can put any customizations into
this hook since it is only run once.  This will not work, however, if
your Emacs maintainer has put Supercite into your dumped Emacs' image.
In that case, you can use the `sc-pre-hook' variable, but this will get
executed every time `sc-cite-original' is called.  Note: Reply Buffer

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