Speedbar is a program for Emacs which can be used to summarize
information related to the current buffer. Its original inspiration is
the `explorer' often used in modern development environments, office
packages, and web browsers.
Speedbar displays a narrow frame in which a tree view is shown. This
tree view defaults to containing a list of files and directories. Files
can be `expanded' to list tags inside. Directories can be expanded to
list the files within itself. Each file or tag can be jumped to
Speedbar expands upon `explorer' windows by maintaining context with
the user. For example, when using the file view, the current buffer's
file is highlighted. Speedbar also mimics the explorer windows by
providing multiple display modes. These modes come in two flavors.
Major display modes remain consistent across buffers, and minor display
modes appear only when a buffer of the applicable type is shown. This
allows authors of other packages to provide speedbar summaries
customized to the needs of that mode.
Throughout this manual, activities are defined as `clicking on', or
`expanding' items. Clicking means using using `Mouse-2' on a button.
Expanding refers to clicking on an expansion button to display an
expanded summary of the entry the expansion button is on. Note:Basic