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Info Node: (vip)Mark Commands

(vip)Mark Commands

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Mark Commands

   The following commands are used to mark positions in the buffer.

`m CH'
     Store current point in the register CH.  CH must be a lower-case
     ASCII letter.

`m <'
     Set mark at the beginning of current buffer.

`m >'
     Set mark at the end of current buffer.

`m .'
     Set mark at point.

`m ,'
     Jump to mark (and pop mark off the mark ring).

   Emacs uses the "mark ring" to store marked positions.  The commands
`m <', `m >' and `m .' not only set mark but also add it as the latest
element of the mark ring (replacing the oldest one).  By repeating the
command ``m ,'' you can visit older and older marked positions.  You
will eventually be in a loop as the mark ring is a ring.

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