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   We believe that one or more of the following statements are adequate

     Viper Is a Package for Emacs Rebels;
     it is a VI Plan for Emacs Rescue
     and/or a venomous VI PERil.

   Technically speaking, Viper is a Vi emulation package for Emacs.  It
implements all Vi and Ex commands, occasionally improving on them and
adding many new features.  It gives the user the best of both worlds: Vi
keystrokes for editing combined with the power of the Emacs environment.

   Viper emulates Vi at several levels, from the one that closely
follows Vi conventions to the one that departs from many of them.  It
has many customizable options, which can be used to tailor Viper to the
work habits of various users.  This manual describes Viper,
concentrating on the differences from Vi and new features of Viper.

   Viper, formerly known as VIP-19, was written by Michael Kifer.  It
is based on VIP version 3.5 by Masahiko Sato and VIP version 4.4 by
Aamod Sane.  Viper tries to be compatible with these packages.

   Viper is intended to be usable without reading this manual -- the
defaults are set to make Viper as close to Vi as possible.  At startup,
Viper will try to set the most appropriate default environment for you,
based on your familiarity with Emacs.  It will also tell you the basic
GNU Emacs window management commands to help you start immediately.

   Although this manual explains how to customize Viper, some basic
familiarity with Emacs Lisp would be a plus.

   It is recommended that you read the Overview node.  The other nodes
may be visited as needed.

   Comments and bug reports are welcome.  `' is the
current address for Viper bug reports.  Please use the Ex command
`:submitReport' for this purpose.

Must read to get started
Improvements over Vi
New features, Improvements
How to customize Viper
Vi and Ex Commands
Key Index
Index of Vi and Ex Commands
Function Index
Index of Viper Functions
Variable Index
Index of Viper Variables
Package Index
Index of Packages Mentioned in this Document
Concept Index
Vi, Ex and Emacs concepts

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