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Info Node: (viper)Move Commands

(viper)Move Commands

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Move Commands

`<count>  h  C-h'
     <count> chars to the left.

`<count>  j  <lf> C-n'
     <count> lines downward.

`<count>  l  <sp>'
     <count> chars to the right.

`<count>  k  C-p'
     <count> lines upward.

`<count>  $'
     To the end of line <count> from the cursor.

`<count>  ^'
     To the first CHAR <count> - 1 lines lower.

`<count>  -'
     To the first CHAR <count> lines higher.

`<count>  +  <cr>'
     To the first CHAR <count> lines lower.

     To the first char of the line.

`<count> |'
     To column <count>

`<count>  f<char>'
     <count> <char>s to the right (find).

`<count>  t<char>'
     Till before <count> <char>s to the right.

`<count>  F<char>'
     <count> <char>s to the left.

`<count>  T<char>'
     Till after <count> <char>s to the left.

`<count>  ;'
     Repeat latest `f t F T' <count> times.

`<count>  ,'
     Repeat latest `f t F T' <count> times in opposite direction.

`<count>  w'
     <count> words forward.

`<count>  W'
     <count> WORDS forward.

`<count>  b'
     <count> words backward.

`<count>  B'
     <count> WORDS backward.

`<count>  e'
     To the end of word <count> forward.

`<count>  E'
     To the end of WORD <count> forward.

`<count>  G'
     Go to line <count> (default end-of-file).

`<count>  H'
     To line <count> from top of the screen (home).

`<count>  L'
     To line <count> from bottom of the screen (last).

     To the middle line of the screen.

`<count>  )'
     <count> sentences forward.

`<count>  ('
     <count> sentences backward.

`<count>  }'
     <count> paragraphs forward.

`<count>  {'
     <count> paragraphs backward.

`<count>  ]]'
     To the <count>th heading.

`<count>  [['
     To the <count>th previous heading.

`<count>  []'
     To the end of <count>th heading.

     Mark the cursor position with a letter.

     To the mark.

     To the first CHAR of the line with the mark.

     Show contents of textmarker.

     Show contents of register.

     To the cursor position before the latest absolute jump (of which
     are examples `/' and `G').

     To the first CHAR of the line on which the cursor was placed
     before the latest absolute jump.

`<count>  /<string>'
     To the <count>th occurrence of <string>.

`<count>  /<cr>'
     To the <count>th occurrence of <string> from previous `/ or ?'.

`<count>  ?<string>'
     To the <count>th previous occurrence of <string>.

`<count>  ?<cr>'
     To the <count>th previous occurrence of <string> from previous `?
     or /'.

     Repeat latest `/' `?' (next).

     Repeat latest search in opposite direction.

`C-c /'
     Without a prefix argument, this command toggles
     case-sensitive/case-insensitive search modes and plain
     vanilla/regular expression search.  With the prefix argument 1,
     i.e., `1 C-c /', this toggles case-sensitivity; with the prefix
     argument 2, toggles plain vanilla search and search using regular
     expressions.  Note: Viper Specials, for alternative ways to
     invoke this function.

     Find the next bracket/parenthesis/brace and go to its match.  By
     default, Viper ignores brackets/parentheses/braces that occur
     inside parentheses.  You can change this by setting
     `viper-parse-sexp-ignore-comments' to nil in your `.viper' file.
     This option can also be toggled interactively if you quickly hit

     This latter feature is implemented as a vi-style keyboard macro.
     If you don't want this macro, put

          (viper-set-parsing-style-toggling-macro 'undefine)

     in your `~/.viper' file.

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