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(viper)Rudimentary Changes

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Rudimentary Changes

   An easy way to customize Viper is to change the values of constants
used in Viper.  Here is the list of the constants used in Viper and
their default values.  The corresponding :se command is also indicated.
(The symbols `t' and `nil' represent "true" and "false" in Lisp).

   Viper supports both the abbreviated Vi variable names and their full
names.  Variable completion is done on full names only.  <TAB> and
<SPC> complete variable names.  Typing `=' will complete the name and
then will prompt for a value, if applicable.  For instance, `:se au
<SPC>' will complete the command to `:set autoindent'; `:se ta <SPC>'
will complete the command and prompt further like this: `:set tabstop =
'.  However, typing `:se ts <SPC>' will produce a "No match" message
because `ts' is an abbreviation for `tabstop' and Viper supports
completion on full names only.  However, you can still hit <RET> or
`=', which will complete the command like this: `:set ts = ' and Viper
will be waiting for you to type a value for the tabstop variable.  To
get the full list of Vi variables, type `:se <SPC> <TAB>'.

`viper-auto-indent nil'
`:se ai (:se autoindent)'
`:se ai-g (:se autoindent-global)'
     If `t', enable auto indentation.  by <RET>, `o' or `O' command.

     `viper-auto-indent' is a local variable.  To change the value
     globally, use `setq-default'.  It may be useful for certain major
     modes to have their own values of `viper-auto-indent'.  This can
     be achieved by using `setq' to change the local value of this
     variable in the hooks to the appropriate major modes.

     `:se ai' changes the value of `viper-auto-indent' in the current
     buffer only; `:se ai-g' does the same globally.

`viper-electric-mode t'
     If not `nil', auto-indentation becomes electric, which means that
     <RET>, `O', and `o' indent cursor according to the current major
     mode.  In the future, this variable may control additional electric

     This is a local variable: `setq' changes the value of this variable
     in the current buffer only.  Use `setq-default' to change the
     value in all buffers.

`viper-case-fold-search nil'
`:se ic (:se ignorecase)'
     If not `nil', search ignores cases.  This can also be toggled by
     quickly hitting `/' twice.

`viper-re-search nil'
`:se magic'
     If not `nil', search will use regular expressions; if `nil' then
     use vanilla search.  This behavior can also be toggled by quickly
     hitting `/' trice.

`:se ro (:se readonly)'
     Set current buffer to read only.  To change globally put
     `(setq-default buffer-read-only t)' in your `.emacs' file.

`blink-matching-paren t'
`:se sm (:se showmatch)'
     Show matching parens by blinking cursor.

`tab-width t (default setting via `setq-default')'
`:se ts=value (:se tabstop=value)'
`:se ts-g=value (:se tabstop-global=value)'
     `tab-width' is a local variable that controls the width of the tab
     stops.  To change the value globally, use `setq-default'; for
     local settings, use `setq'.

     The command `:se ts' sets the tab width in the current buffer
     only; it has no effect on other buffers.

     The command `:se ts-g' sets tab width globally, for all buffers
     where the tab is not yet set locally, including the new buffers.

     Note that typing <TAB> normally doesn't insert the tab, since this
     key is usually bound to a text-formatting function,
     `indent-for-tab-command' (which facilitates programming and
     document writing).  Instead, the tab is inserted via the command
     `viper-insert-tab', which is bound to `S-tab' (shift + tab).

     On some non-windowing terminals, Shift doesn't modify the <TAB>
     key, so `S-tab' behaves as if it were <TAB>.  In such a case, you
     will have to bind `viper-insert-tab' to some other convenient key.

`viper-shift-width 8'
`:se sw=value  (:se shiftwidth=value)'
     The number of columns shifted by `>' and `<' commands.

`viper-search-wrap-around t'
`:se ws (:se wrapscan)'
     If not `nil', search wraps around the end/beginning of buffer.

`viper-search-scroll-threshold 2'
     If search lands within this many lines of the window top or
     bottom, the window will be scrolled up or down by about 1/7-th of
     its size, to reveal the context.  If the value is negative--don't

`viper-tags-file-name "TAGS"'
     The name of the file used as the tag table.

`viper-re-query-replace nil'
     If not `nil', use reg-exp replace in query replace.

`viper-want-ctl-h-help nil'
     If not `nil', `C-h' is bound to `help-command'; otherwise, `C-h'
     is bound as usual in Vi.

`viper-vi-style-in-minibuffer t'
     If not `nil', Viper provides a high degree of compatibility with Vi
     insert mode when you type text in the Minibuffer; if `nil', typing
     in the Minibuffer feels like plain Emacs.

`viper-no-multiple-ESC t'
     If you set this to `nil', you can use <ESC> as Meta in Vi state.
     Normally, this is not necessary, since graphical displays have
     separate Meta keys (usually on each side of the space bar).  On a
     dumb terminal, Viper sets this variable to `twice', which is
     almost like `nil', except that double <ESC> beeps.  This, too,
     lets <ESC> to be used as a Meta.

`viper-ESC-keyseq-timeout 200 on tty, 0 on windowing display'
     Escape key sequences separated by this much delay (in
     milliseconds) are interpreted as command, ignoring the special
     meaning of <ESC> in VI.  The default is suitable for most
     terminals.  However, if your terminal is extremely slow, you might
     want to increase this slightly.  You will know if your terminal is
     slow if the <ESC> key sequences emitted by the arrow keys are
     interpreted as separately typed characters (and thus the arrow
     keys won't work).  Making this value too large will slow you down,
     so exercise restraint.

`viper-fast-keyseq-timeout 200'
     Key sequences separated by this many milliseconds are treated as
     Vi-style keyboard macros.  If the key sequence is defined as such
     a macro, it will be executed.  Otherwise, it is processed as an
     ordinary sequence of typed keys.

     Setting this variable too high may slow down your typing.  Setting
     it too low may make it hard to type macros quickly enough.

`viper-translate-all-ESC-keysequences t on tty, nil on windowing display'
     Normally, Viper lets Emacs translate only those ESC key sequences
     that are defined in the low-level key-translation-map or
     function-key-map, such as those emitted by the arrow and function
     keys. Other sequences, e.g., `\\e/', are treated as `ESC' command
     followed by a `/'. This is good for people who type fast and tend
     to hit other characters right after they hit ESC. Other people
     like Emacs to translate `ESC' sequences all the time.  The default
     is to translate all sequences only when using a dumb terminal.
     This permits you to use `ESC' as a meta key in insert mode. For
     instance, hitting `ESC x' fast would have the effect of typing
     `M-x'.  If your dumb terminal is not so dumb and understands the
     meta key, then you probably will be better off setting this
     variable to nil. Try and see which way suits you best.

`viper-ex-style-motion t'
     Set this to `nil', if you want `l,h' to cross lines, etc.  Note:
     Movement and Markers, for more info.

`viper-ex-style-editing t'
     Set this to `nil', if you want `C-h' and <DEL> to not stop at the
     beginning of a line in Insert state, <X> and <x> to delete
     characters across lines in Vi command state, etc.

`viper-ESC-moves-cursor-back t'
     It t, cursor moves back 1 character when switching from insert
     state to vi state.  If nil, the cursor stays where it was before
     the switch.

`viper-always t'
     `t' means: leave it to Viper to decide when a buffer must be
     brought up in Vi state, Insert state, or Emacs state.  This
     heuristics works well in virtually all cases.  `nil' means you
     either has to invoke `viper-mode' manually for each buffer (or you
     can add `viper-mode' to the appropriate major mode hooks using

     This option must be set in the file `~/.viper'.

`viper-custom-file-name "~/.viper"'
     File used for Viper-specific customization.  Change this setting,
     if you want.  Must be set in `.emacs' (not `.viper'!)  before
     Viper is loaded.  Note that you have to set it as a string inside
     double quotes.

`viper-spell-function 'ispell-region'
     Function used by the command `#c<move>' to spell.

     The value of this variable is the function symbol used to expand
     wildcard symbols. This is platform-dependent. The default tries to
     set this variable to work with most shells, MS Windows, OS/2, etc.
     However, if it doesn't work the way you expect, you should write
     your own.  Use `viper-glob-unix-files' and
     `viper-glob-mswindows-files' in `viper-util.el' as examples.

     This feature is used to expand wildcards in the Ex command `:e'.
     Note that Viper doesn't support wildcards in the `:r' and `:w'
     commands, because file completion is a better mechanism.

`ex-cycle-other-window t'
     If not `nil', `:n' and `:b' will cycle through files in another
     window, if one exists.

`ex-cycle-through-non-files nil'
     `:n' does not normally cycle through buffers.  Set this to get
     buffers also.

     This is set to `nil' for user levels 1 and 2 and to `t' for user
     levels 3 and 4.  Users who specify level 5 are allowed to set this
     variable as they please (the default for this level is `t').  If
     set to `nil', complete Vi compatibility is provided in Insert
     state.  This is really not recommended, as this precludes you from
     using language-specific features provided by the major modes.

     This is set to `nil' for user level 1 and to `t' for user levels
     2-4.  At level 5, users are allowed to set this variable as they
     please (the default for this level is `t').  If set to `nil',
     complete Vi compatibility is provided in Vi command state.
     Setting this to `nil' is really a bad idea, unless you are a
     novice, as this precludes the use of language-specific features
     provided by the major modes.

`viper-keep-point-on-repeat t'
     If not `nil', point is not moved when the user repeats the previous
     command by typing `.'  This is very useful for doing repeated
     changes with the `.' key.

`viper-repeat-from-history-key 'f12'
     Prefix key used to invoke the macros `f12 1' and `f12 2' that
     repeat the second-last and the third-last destructive command.
     Both these macros are bound (as Viper macros) to
     `viper-repeat-from-history', which checks the second key by which
     it is invoked to see which of the previous commands to invoke.
     Viper binds `f12 1' and `f12 2' only, but the user can bind more
     in `~/.viper'.  Note: Vi Macros, for how to do this.

`viper-keep-point-on-undo nil'
     If not `nil', Viper tries to not move point when undoing commands.
     Instead, it will briefly move the cursor to the place where change
     has taken place.  However, if the undone piece of text is not seen
     in window, then point will be moved to the place where the change
     took place.  Set it to `t' and see if you like it better.

`viper-delete-backwards-in-replace nil'
     If not `nil', <DEL> key will delete characters while moving the
     cursor backwards.  If `nil', the cursor will move backwards
     without deleting anything.

`viper-replace-overlay-face 'viper-replace-overlay-face'
     On a graphical display, Viper highlights replacement regions
     instead of putting a `$' at the end.  This variable controls the
     so called "face" used to highlight the region.

     By default, `viper-replace-overlay-face' underlines the
     replacement on monochrome displays and also lays a stipple over
     them.  On color displays, replacement regions are highlighted with

     If you know something about Emacs faces and don't like how Viper
     highlights replacement regions, you can change
     `viper-replace-overlay-face' by specifying a new face.  (Emacs
     faces are described in the Emacs Lisp reference.)  On a color
     display, the following customization method is usually most
          (set-face-foreground viper-replace-overlay-face "DarkSlateBlue")
          (set-face-background viper-replace-overlay-face "yellow")
     For a complete list of colors available to you, evaluate the
     expression `(x-defined-colors)'.  (Type it in the buffer
     `*scratch*' and then hit the `C-j' key.

`viper-replace-overlay-cursor-color  "Red"'
     Cursor color when it is inside the replacement region.  This has
     effect only on color displays and only when Emacs runs as an X

`viper-insert-state-cursor-color nil'
     If set to a valid color, this will be the cursor color when Viper
     is in insert state.

`viper-replace-region-end-delimiter "$"'
     A string used to mark the end of replacement regions.  It is used
     only on TTYs or if `viper-use-replace-region-delimiters' is

`viper-replace-region-start-delimiter  ""'
     A string used to mark the beginning of replacement regions.  It is
     used only on TTYs or if `viper-use-replace-region-delimiters' is

     If non-nil, Viper will always use
     `viper-replace-region-end-delimiter' and
     `viper-replace-region-start-delimiter' to delimit replacement
     regions, even on color displays (where this is unnecessary).  By
     default, this variable is non-nil only on TTYs or monochrome

`viper-allow-multiline-replace-regions t'
     If non-nil, multi-line text replacement regions, such as those
     produced by commands `c55w', `3C', etc., will stay around until
     the user exits the replacement mode.  In this variable is set to
     `nil', Viper will emulate the standard Vi behavior, which supports
     only intra-line replacement regions (and multi-line replacement
     regions are deleted).

`viper-toggle-key "\C-z"'
     Specifies the key used to switch from Emacs to Vi and back.  Must
     be set in `.viper'.  This variable can't be changed interactively
     after Viper is loaded.

     In Insert state, this key acts as a temporary escape to Vi state,
     i.e., it will set Viper up so that the very next command will be
     executed as if it were typed in Vi state.

`viper-ESC-key "\e"'
     Specifies the key used to escape from Insert/Replace states to Vi.
     Must be set in `.viper'.  This variable cannot be changed
     interactively after Viper is loaded.

`viper-buffer-search-char nil'
     Key used for buffer search.  Note: Viper Specials, for details.

`viper-surrounding-word-function 'viper-surrounding-word'
     The value of this variable is a function name that is used to
     determine what constitutes a word clicked upon by the mouse.  This
     is used by mouse search and insert.

`viper-search-face 'viper-search-face'
     Variable that controls how search patterns are highlighted when
     they are found.

`viper-vi-state-hook nil'
     List of parameterless functions to be run just after entering the
     Vi command state.

`viper-insert-state-hook nil'
     Same for Insert state.  This hook is also run after entering
     Replace state.

`viper-replace-state-hook  nil'
     List of (parameterless) functions called just after entering
     Replace state (and after all `viper-insert-state-hook').

`viper-emacs-state-hook nil'
     List of (parameterless) functions called just after switching from
     Vi state to Emacs state.

`viper-load-hook nil'
     List of (parameterless) functions called just after loading Viper.
     This is the last chance to do customization before Viper is up
     and running.

You can reset some of these constants in Viper with the Ex command
`:set' (when so indicated in the table).  Or you can include a line
like this in your `.viper' file:
     (setq viper-case-fold-search t)

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