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Info Node: (widget)atoms


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Atomic Sexp Widgets

   The atoms are s-expressions that do not consist of other
s-expressions.  For example, a string, a file name, or a symbol are
atoms, while a list is a composite type.  You can edit the value of an
atom with the following widgets.

   The syntax for all the atoms are:


   The VALUE, if present, is used to initialize the `:value' property
and must be an expression of the same type as the widget.  That is, the
string widget can only be initialized with a string.

   All the atom widgets take the same keyword arguments as the
`editable-field' widget.  Note: editable-field.

 - Widget: string
     Allows you to edit a string in an editable field.

 - Widget: regexp
     Allows you to edit a regular expression in an editable field.

 - Widget: character
     Allows you to enter a character in an editable field.

 - Widget: file
     Allows you to edit a file name in an editable field.  If you invoke
     the tag button, you can edit the file name in the mini-buffer with

          If this is set to non-nil, only existing file names will be
          allowed in the minibuffer.

 - Widget: directory
     Allows you to edit a directory name in an editable field.  Similar
     to the `file' widget.

 - Widget: symbol
     Allows you to edit a lisp symbol in an editable field.

 - Widget: function
     Allows you to edit a lambda expression, or a function name with

 - Widget: variable
     Allows you to edit a variable name, with completion.

 - Widget: integer
     Allows you to edit an integer in an editable field.

 - Widget: number
     Allows you to edit a number in an editable field.

 - Widget: boolean
     Allows you to edit a boolean.  In lisp this means a variable which
     is either nil meaning false, or non-nil meaning true.

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