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Info Node: (woman)Command Line

(woman)Command Line

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Command Line Access

If you really want to square the man-woman circle then you can!  If you
run the GNU command interpreter `bash' then you might care to define
the following `bash' function in your `bash' initialisation file

     man() { gnudoit -q '(raise-frame (selected-frame)) (woman' \"$1\" ')' ; }

If you use a Microsoft command interpreter (`' or `cmd.exe')
then you can create a file called `man.bat' somewhere in your path
containing the two lines:

     @echo off
     gnudoit -q (raise-frame (selected-frame)) (woman \"%1\")

and then (e.g. from a command prompt or the `Run...' option in the
Windows `Start' menu) just execute

     man man_page_name

(Of course, if you already have a `man' command installed then you
could call these commands `woman' instead of `man'.)

The above examples assume that you have the `gnuserv' Emacs
client-server package installed (which I recommend).  It would be
possible to do something similar by calling Emacs directly, but that is
less satisfactory, because you are likely to end up with multiple copies
of Emacs running, which is generally inelegant, inefficient and
inconvenient.  If you run a different command interpreter then something
similar to the above suggestions should be possible.

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