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Recursive Pattern: _every_

   In the `every' recursive pattern, an action is performed on every
element of a list.

   The basic pattern is:

   * If a list be empty, return `nil'.

   * Else, act on the beginning of the list (the CAR of the list)
        -     through a recursive call by the function on the rest (the
             CDR) of the list,

        -     and, optionally, combine the acted-on element, using
          `cons',     with the results of acting on the rest.

   Here is example:

     (defun square-each (numbers-list)
       "Square each of a NUMBERS LIST, recursively."
       (if (not numbers-list)                ; do-again-test
          (* (car numbers-list) (car numbers-list))
          (square-each (cdr numbers-list))))) ; next-step-expression
     (square-each '(1 2 3))
         => (1 4 9)

If `numbers-list' is empty, do nothing.  But if it has content,
construct a list combining the square of the first number in the list
with the result of the recursive call.

   (The example follows the pattern exactly: `nil' is returned if the
numbers' list is empty.  In practice, you would write the conditional
so it carries out the action when the numbers' list is not empty.)

   The `print-elements-recursively' function (Note: Recursion with a
List.) is another example of an `every' pattern,
except in this case, rather than bring the results together using
`cons', we print each element of output.

   The `print-elements-recursively' function looks like this:

     (setq animals '(gazelle giraffe lion tiger))
     (defun print-elements-recursively (list)
       "Print each element of LIST on a line of its own.
     Uses recursion."
       (if list                              ; do-again-test
             (print (car list))              ; body
             (print-elements-recursively     ; recursive call
              (cdr list)))))                 ; next-step-expression
     (print-elements-recursively animals)

   The pattern for `print-elements-recursively' is:

   * If the list be empty, do nothing.

   * But if the list has at least one element,
        -     act on the beginning of the list (the CAR of the list),

        -     and make a recursive call on the rest (the CDR) of the

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