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Miscellaneous Settings for a `.emacs' File

   Here are a few miscellaneous settings:

   - Set the shape and color of the mouse cursor:
          ; Cursor shapes are defined in
          ; `/usr/include/X11/cursorfont.h';
          ; for example, the `target' cursor is number 128;
          ; the `top_left_arrow' cursor is number 132.
          (let ((mpointer (x-get-resource "*mpointer"
            ;; If you have not set your mouse pointer
            ;;     then set it, otherwise leave as is:
            (if (eq mpointer nil)
                (setq mpointer "132")) ; top_left_arrow
            (setq x-pointer-shape (string-to-int mpointer))
            (set-mouse-color "white"))

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