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( let

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The `let*' expression

   The next line of the `forward-paragraph' function begins a `let*'
expression.  This is a different kind of expression than we have seen
so far.  The symbol is `let*' not `let'.

   The `let*' special form is like `let' except that Emacs sets each
variable in sequence, one after another, and variables in the latter
part of the varlist can make use of the values to which Emacs set
variables in the earlier part of the varlist.

   In the `let*' expression in this function, Emacs binds two
variables: `fill-prefix-regexp' and `paragraph-separate'.  The value to
which `paragraph-separate' is bound depends on the value of

   Let's look at each in turn.  The symbol `fill-prefix-regexp' is set
to the value returned by evaluating the following list:

     (and fill-prefix
          (not (equal fill-prefix ""))
          (not paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix)
          (regexp-quote fill-prefix))

This is an expression whose first element is the `and' special form.

   As we learned earlier (Note: The `kill-new' function.
), the `and' special form evaluates each of its arguments
until one of the arguments returns a value of `nil', in which case the
`and' expression returns `nil'; however, if none of the arguments
returns a value of `nil', the value resulting from evaluating the last
argument is returned.  (Since such a value is not `nil', it is
considered true in Lisp.)  In other words, an `and' expression returns
a true value only if all its arguments are true.

   In this case, the variable `fill-prefix-regexp' is bound to a
non-`nil' value only if the following four expressions produce a true
(i.e., a non-`nil') value when they are evaluated; otherwise,
`fill-prefix-regexp' is bound to `nil'.

     When this variable is evaluated, the value of the fill prefix, if
     any, is returned.  If there is no fill prefix, this variable
     returns `nil'.

`(not (equal fill-prefix "")'
     This expression checks whether an existing fill prefix is an empty
     string, that is, a string with no characters in it.  An empty
     string is not a useful fill prefix.

`(not paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix)'
     This expression returns `nil' if the variable
     `paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix' has been turned on by being set to a
     true value such as `t'.

`(regexp-quote fill-prefix)'
     This is the last argument to the `and' special form.  If all the
     arguments to the `and' are true, the value resulting from
     evaluating this expression will be returned by the `and' expression
     and bound to the variable `fill-prefix-regexp',

The result of evaluating this `and' expression successfully is that
`fill-prefix-regexp' will be bound to the value of `fill-prefix' as
modified by the `regexp-quote' function.  What `regexp-quote' does is
read a string and return a regular expression that will exactly match
the string and match nothing else.  This means that
`fill-prefix-regexp' will be set to a value that will exactly match the
fill prefix if the fill prefix exists.  Otherwise, the variable will be
set to `nil'.

   The second local variable in the `let*' expression is
`paragraph-separate'.  It is bound to the value returned by evaluating
the expression:

     (if fill-prefix-regexp
         (concat paragraph-separate
                 "\\|^" fill-prefix-regexp "[ \t]*$")

   This expression shows why `let*' rather than `let' was used.  The
true-or-false-test for the `if' depends on whether the variable
`fill-prefix-regexp' evaluates to `nil' or some other value.

   If `fill-prefix-regexp' does not have a value, Emacs evaluates the
else-part of the `if' expression and binds `paragraph-separate' to its
local value.  (`paragraph-separate' is a regular expression that
matches what separates paragraphs.)

   But if `fill-prefix-regexp' does have a value, Emacs evaluates the
then-part of the `if' expression and binds `paragraph-separate' to a
regular expression that includes the `fill-prefix-regexp' as part of
the pattern.

   Specifically, `paragraph-separate' is set to the original value of
the paragraph separate regular expression concatenated with an
alternative expression that consists of the `fill-prefix-regexp'
followed by a blank line.  The `^' indicates that the
`fill-prefix-regexp' must begin a line, and the optional whitespace to
the end of the line is defined by `"[ \t]*$"'.)  The `\\|' defines this
portion of the regexp as an alternative to `paragraph-separate'.

   Now we get into the body of the `let*'.  The first part of the body
of the `let*' deals with the case when the function is given a negative
argument and is therefore moving backwards.  We will skip this section.

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